As part of the Ultimate List of Blog Ideas series, this post contains blog ideas for web designers.
I’ve met quite a few web designers and some of them always tell me that they don’t know what to blog about. There’s actually a lot of blog ideas for web designers to consider. Most of my friends who are web designers not only are professionals or freelancers, but also love to immerse themselves into it like another hobby.
So, I’ve decided to it easier by sharing some blog ideas for web designers in hopes that not only do my friends benefit from this list, but the web design community benefits too.
Blog Ideas for Web Designers
- Web design tutorial roundup from around the web
- Website showcase/ roundup of sites using a particular type of design feature (example: parallax, transparencies, flat design, jquery)
- Graphic art in website roundups for inspiration
- Web design tutorial
- Graphic design tutorial
- Interview with a successful web designer
- Whitepaper on web design concept and/or theory
- Case Study of a completed web design project
- Basic business tips for web designers
- Tips for web designer to consider when designing for a client
- Tips to clients on how to seek a great web designer
- Tips on how to use crowd sourcing websites
- Tips on how to deal with web design head hunters/ job recruiters
- Tips on how to land a web design project
- Video tutorials on web design
- Coverage on web design conferences
- Reviews on Web design tools and/or software
- Tips on project management for web designers
- Tips on how to delegate work when bringing on another designer to help expedite the project
- Search Engine Optimization tips to consider when web designing
- Feature on graphic resourcs to use for websites
- Tips on using photographs in web design(if you also do photography)
- Web design tips for the DIY crowd
- Articles on the different terms of web design
- Website tips for the client, once the project is complete
- Feature on various books in the web design field
The web design niche can be a very flexible one. I could’ve gone on and one, but I realized that many website designers have different focuses with their service. Some may offer some marketing strategies. Some may only develop on specific platforms. From some of the items suggested, you should be able to generate countless topics, altering them to suit your needs.
Of course, if I haven’t listed an idea that you’ve thought of, then please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. I’m always willing to expand upon my list of blog ideas for web designers.
Are you a web designer? If so, what haven’t you tried from this list?
Beth says
Excellent blog ideas here. Thanks for sharing.
Donna Merrill says
Hi Nile,
I do run into many web designers and these tips sure make it easier for them. I especially like Graphic Art Roundups for inspiration. Also using photos, which are the “rage” these days because people need to apply that.
Also, tips for the client. I can just imagine the headache it would be for a designer to deal with their clients. They do need tips once their design is done. That would add more value and less complaints lol.
Chery Schmidt says
Hello Nile, This is a great list my friend, I do believe it will benefit more people then just these Web Designers..
Like Video tutorials, you can teach anything online Right?
Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Tracy J Thomas says
Great list of ideas/tips for website designers. Quite a few of your ideas can be altered and utilized by bloggers in a variety of specialties for educating clients and followers interested in what they have to offer. Thanks for this post, it got my wheels turning with different ways to use your list.
Hammo says
I totally agree that your Web Designer friends need to get blogging. We now live in a ‘content is king’ economy and if you are freelancing then start sharing your knowledge, because it’s only going to bring you more work.
Some people have that fear of sharing their knowledge, will make them redundant, the truth is that some people will always want you to do it for them. If you have built layers trust by showing off your expertise, then you are more likely to land that extra work. Plus Google will reward you with some free organic traffic.
Nile has opened a massive list of ideas for you. It’s up to you to take Action!
Rajeev Sharma says
These are really effective ideas for the blog…
Utsav Aggarwal says
One More Informative post … A big thanks to Nile
Alan Moore says
Thanks for the article. it gave me some pretty good ideas.
Anees Muhammed says
Hi Nile.,
I was hardly storming my brain for a good web dev blog idea. Indeed this article acted as a catalyst. Thanks for sharing this..
Megan Rothey says
Great ideas Nile! I loved what you said about graphic design being such a flexible niche. It’s also a very marketable one haha 🙂 Loved the list.
Mark says
Thanks for sharing such a creative idea generating list Nile!
Every one of your excellent blog idea generating tips, can just a easily
be converted into multi part series and short videos as well!
Thanks, as I read your list, my creative mind really
started to flood open with possibilities!Thanks!
Isn’t amazing what you can actually come up with
when you put your mind to it!