If you’re just beginning or revamping your social media marketing strategy and you are a bootstrap business, I’m not going to lie, it will take some time and effort to get some exposure and traction for your business. If you’re already blogging, great! The problem after taking time to blog, is to take the time
[Continue Reading...]Graphic: SEO Is Not A Game
I’ve said that SEO is not a same, many times. It really isn’t. If you know how to write unique and quality content, and engage with your readers, you’re definitely heading in the right direction. A lot of people like to whine about why their website has either dropped in traffic or has dropped from
[Continue Reading...]Adding Content Between Posts In Genesis
I’ve written a short tutorial in the past about being able to add Adsense or any other content between posts in WordPress. The Genesis theme framework by StudioPress is a bit different. The concept is not all that different, but applying the method requires knowing a little PHP and the hooks to the Genesis theme
[Continue Reading...]Interview With An Influential Blogger: Brian D. Hawkins
I’ve met Brian D. Hawkins through the blogosphere by seeing him run in circles containing mutual friends. He runs HotBlogTips.com, which is designed to help bloggers from beginning to advanced levels succeed with their websites. Brian has a wonderful reputation with other bloggers and, I’ve noticed that he has a genuine passion for helping other
[Continue Reading...]How Easy is it to Use WordPress?
Like any software out there, it does take some time to learn how to use WordPress. However, WordPress is not hard at all to use, especially if you are using it out of the box. It’s normally the things you want to install on top of it, like plugins or themes, that it necessary to
[Continue Reading...]How To Find Out What WordPress Theme Is Being Used In A Site?
Let’s face it, when you have a website and you see all the other cool websites powered by WordPress, you have to wonder where it came from. Was the theme downloaded for free from the WordPress theme directory? Was it bought from a premium WordPress theme company? Or was it developed by a very talented
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