What do people look for when deciding which plugins to download? Do you check the profile of the developer, go for the best rated, or by other people’s recommendations? What Should You Look for When Deciding Which Plugins to Download? Plugins… normally the factors to consider downloading and using a plugin in WordPress are: If
[Continue Reading...]WordPress
WordPress Plugin Review: Widget Logic
Widget Logic is a plugin for WordPress that allows the user to designate what widgets go on specific pages, posts, categories, and more. This is a plugin that requires you to know WordPress conditional tags and Boolean markup. Also, some of the conditional tags that are most obviously, sometimes do not work in the way
[Continue Reading...]Ask Nile: What is the Best Method to Backup Your WordPress site?
I get a lot of questions all the time about what is the best method to back up your WordPress site. Here is the thing, I am a developer and I use two different methods for beta sites for my own website. I use a Local host and also a live beta aside from my
[Continue Reading...]How to Recover a Lost Password in WordPress
It’s okay to be forgetful sometimes, especially when you forget your WordPress password. Thankfully, WordPress allows you to recover your password. This article will go over 2 different methods on how to recover a lost password in WordPress. In fact, I briefly went over these two ways to retrieve your WordPress password, but I felt
[Continue Reading...]How to Add Footer Widgets in Genesis Themes
Widgetized footers on WordPress sites are really handy as it is a way to put some bottom of the site viewable content for visitors on your website. It is your last opportunity to convert visitors, outside pop-up notifications, re-directions to thank you pages, lead generation forms, and more. It also allows for organizing content to
[Continue Reading...]How to Turn Off Comment Notifications in WordPress
WordPress has the ability to allow the site administrator to receive notifications via email when a new comment is posted or ready to be moderated. However, sometimes for a site owner, this can become an annoyance, especially if the comments are spam or the site is extremely active. So, in this case, it might be
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