Websites are sure easy to make, but also just as easy to become a big disaster. A website has to have a purpose, as well as properly convey that purpose to people. If you can’t even do that, they you’re missing out on all those commentators, subscribers, and buyers. Just saying things like “Oh, I’m
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Does Spelling and Grammar Matter In SEO?
Does spelling and grammar matter in SEO? Yes, it does matter. Even though blogging isn’t something that has to be perfect, being understood is extremely important. Every blogger brings to the table their own blog voice, and that includes their own style of writing. This is influenced by the blogger’s past education and the individual’s
[Continue Reading...]Can Your Business Be Too Blog Focused?
Can your business be too blog focused? An article on Forbes said that one of the biggest mistakes in creating a website for a business, is being too blog focused. I don’t fully agree with this point on several levels and while there are 5 mistakes listed, I’m sticking to this particular topic. In fact,
[Continue Reading...]Confessions Of A Dyslexic Blogger
Dear Bloggers: I’m dyslexic. Some people know it and others don’t. It’s one of the reasons why I’m tough on people who choose blogging or writing as a career, or a means to elevate themselves to a leadership position. I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect some care in writing. There are so many
[Continue Reading...]The Art of Blogging: Time Does Equal Money
If any blogger is telling you that it costs no money to start a blog and actually earn money, they need a reality check. In fact, if you’re reading this article and you’ve read articles like it, it’s good that stumbled upon this one. “It takes money to earn money.” I don’t know who originally
[Continue Reading...]Graphic: Be Prepared For A Long Journey Toward Success
The biggest mistake a business owner can make it believing in getting rich quick. It doesn’t last for long, so its not enough to sustain. The best thing is to think about building a business and mapping it out enough to include room for error, because mistakes and failure will happen along the way. The
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