I’ve been blogging for more than 20 years. There were times I got blogger burnout and times where I contemplated stopping, but I kept on. I’ve written thoughts of blog posts, and have contributed writing or content in several media to other websites over the years. So, how did that happen? Well… perseverance. Persevere is
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Dear Bloggers and News Sites: Your Ads and Optins are Excessive and Annoying
Dear Bloggers and News sites: You know who you are. It’s okay to want to make money blogging, but there’s a line where you show where you either care about who is reading your content, or don’t give a sh*t about them. When you’ve added advertisements and popups to your site, did you even check
[Continue Reading...]Dear Newbie Bloggers: When Money is on your Mind, Have Patience
A lot of new bloggers get into blogging because they want to make money. There’s no shame in that. Some people can’t admit that it was the original motivation for starting to blog, but now that these people are blogging, it’s a bit of a sh*tshow. There are a lot of opportunities for bloggers to
[Continue Reading...]The Skinny on Blogging Fears
So what are the real reasons why blogger can’t blog confidently? Some think it’s due to branding and design. It doesn’t. It’s all about blogging fears, especially with the blogger’s mentality and choice in choosing to fear, rather than put it aside and just blog. It’s the same issue I’ve seen over and over with
[Continue Reading...]Tag Cloud Do’s and Don’ts
I have been seeing a disturbing number of blogs with some creepy tag clouds. This isn’t something just recent. The tag cloud tragedies I’ve seen span more than a decade! Some have no CSS spacing implemented and others, well, they really are a ‘drag’ on the layout’s load time. I am not going to draw
[Continue Reading...]Reflections on Blogging After Thirteen Years
I recently got the invite to do LinkedIn Publishing and sat down to do a post. I blog enough, but because LinkedIn is a professional setting, I wanted to start exercising the business experience of blogging and web design. I wanted to share personal stories and thoughts that were different from my really personal site
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