Every November, it’s time for NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month. I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo for years, but this year, it got me to think on what bloggers could do during this month. The purpose of NaNoWrimo is to encouarage people to write and be creative, as well as have fun. The goal for
[Continue Reading...]Blogging
Graphic: The Key to Lasting as a Blogger
Like the speed of technology, and also, because of technology, information travels fast and evolves. The key to lasting as a blogger is to stay on top of that knowledge. You will have to take time to read from other places. Even top bloggers and professionals in their industry have to remain aware of the
[Continue Reading...]Dear Mommy Bloggers: You’re Looking Kinda Spammy
Dear Mommy Bloggers, Your niche is really looking kinda spammy lately. That may tick a few of you off, or many, but it comes from a place of love. I read a lot of blogs. Naturally, as a mom, I do read mommy blogs. Mommy bloggers do carry a lot of influence, because we all
[Continue Reading...]How To Use Your Hello World Post to Your Advantage
By default, WordPress has 1 example post with the title “Hello World.” A lot of people delete the post. I’m going to tell you how to take advantage of using your Hello World post to your advantage. How To Use Your Hello World Post to Your Advantage Typically, in the programming world, Hello World is
[Continue Reading...]What To Do When You Lose Interest In Blogging
I’ve seen A LOT of websites die out over the years. The scenario: The owner ends up losing interest in blogging. It happens. However, I’m sure you’re wondering why it happens, and how to get back into the swing of blogging? Hopefully by the time this post is complete, your interest may be re-kindle. What
[Continue Reading...]Blog Ideas for Restaurants
Restaurant owners can blog? Why certainly they can, or whomever they appoint as the website content creator. It’s understandable if you’re a restaurant owner, that owns a website, and is having problems generating blog ideas. This post is dedicated to giving blog ideas for restaurants that blog, or are considering on adding blogging to their
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