Back in March of 2013, Google announced the closing of Google Reader in what they called a Spring Cleaning. Google Reader was a way that you could manage your RSS subscriptions. It’s no surprise that Google is closing yet another handy service with the same excuse that they believed the service was losing a following
[Continue Reading...]#FanPageFriday Recap 2013 Volume 14
Fridays mean its time for #FanPageFriday, an event for Facebook fan page owners to be able to share their pages, get likes, and engage with others. I enjoy holding this event on my professional Facebook fan page because even though I can be a diva, sometimes I do like to meet new people and open
[Continue Reading...]#SharingSundays Recap 2013 Volume 16
I enjoy hosting #SharingSundays on my Facebook fan page every week. The articles shared are often from different blog genre and very interesting to read. You would think my favorite articles would be on what I most commonly write about here at, but I enjoy technology and travel articles quite a bit. For those
[Continue Reading...] Podcast – 2013 Mini Episode 1
This first mini episode is just under 5 minutes and is about Content Is King, Visitors are Queen. Back in 2010, I originally wrote the article While Content Is King, Visitors are Queen. The phrase holds very much true today. The issue is that one cannot be without the other. You cannot get someone to
[Continue Reading...]Ask Nile: When A Company Requests A Negative Review To Be Removed
Question: What to do when a company contacts me to ask me to remove a negative review? My answer: Obviously, any company does not like to see people post reviews about them. Reviews by bloggers can often be far more biting than a review on somewhere like Yelp, Trip Advisor, or another service rating site.
[Continue Reading...]#FanPageFriday Recap 2013 Volume 13
If you have a Facebook fan page, then you definitely want to try out a #FanPageFriday event sometime. I host #FanPageFriday every Friday at my Facebook fan page located at The intended purpose of the #FanPageFriday event is to permit Facebook fan page owners to have their moment in the spotlight to share their
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