I wrote Mastering Pretty Permalinks in WordPress with the intention to introduce the concept of the best permalink structure for WordPress powered websites. This was a call to try to encourage people to organize their website, but beware of how the permalink structure might be overrode if you have a file folder name the same
[Continue Reading...]Display Posts From A Category In WordPress
Recently I had a run in with coding with a client who had a developer put together a sloppy custom WordPress query in place of a proper loop. In fact, it was amazing because it was put in replace of code on a great premium theme by StudioPress. By the way, no it was not
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Pages Versus Posts, Which to Choose
So you have content, but you are not sure you want to go with pages or posts. Well, it really is not that difficult. A lot of people put together a site completely in posts without few pages. Or they make a page and enable comments, depending if their theme has that coded into the
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: Theme My Profile
In fact, I have been exercising this on a few sites for clients that wanted their users to not even be lead to the WordPress backend, even to edit their user profile. Theme My Profile works well with the plugin Theme My Profile, and were both created by Jeff Farthing. Of course, you can use
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: Theme My Login
I found a nifty WordPress plugin and this one themes your login page to conform with your current layout. It is called Theme My Login and it was created by Jeff Farthing. Now, this is different from the tutorial on theming your WordPress login page. As further explained on Jeff’s site, his plugin overrides the
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