Yet Another Related Post Plugin (YARPP) was just recently updated (March 3, 2012) and it calls a fatal error. This is in version 3.5 of the plugin and using WordPress 3.3.1. The error should be something similar to: – Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/blondish/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on
[Continue Reading...]How To Be More Relatable to Your Readers
One thing that really impresses me about one blogger over another is their relatability with their readers. Ever person has a different background filled with hundreds of unique experiences. It is often at this point, no matter what the article might be about, that a reader can become turned off. Here is how to be
[Continue Reading...] Podcast: Guest Blogging 101
Episode 3 of the Podcast is a little over twenty minutes and all on guest blogging basics. This Guest Blogging 101 podcast covers strictly basics as there is a lot more to it that needs to be split into a series. The reason for this is that there are a lot of things to
[Continue Reading...]Why Anonymous Blogging Is Not for Serious Bloggers
How much of yourself do you put out there on your blog and social network sites? If you are an anonymous bloggers, are you really taking the precautions for keeping your information from wandering eyes? Unfortunately, for serious bloggers, those who are making a business of blogging and developing an authority amongst the blogging community
[Continue Reading...]Guest Blogging: Preparing For Your Debut
So, you considered guest blogging on another site that was well known and could possibly bring you both some link love and some traffic. However, your site is still new and you are unsure if you might be welcomed in that community. While some of your worries might seem bad to you, they are not.
[Continue Reading...]Blogging Ain’t Perfect: Your Blog Voice
I was an English major the first time I was in college and I have to say that my writing style is far from what it use to be for my blog. I was the one pointing out the errors and being a real grammar snob. And you know what? It was a put off
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