I found a nifty WordPress plugin and this one themes your login page to conform with your current layout. It is called Theme My Login and it was created by Jeff Farthing. Now, this is different from the tutorial on theming your WordPress login page.
As further explained on Jeff’s site, his plugin overrides the wp-login.php and profile.php pages. The plugin includes a widget you can place a login form in your sidebar too! 🙂 Jeff offers a support forum for his plugin… well actually, he has authored a few plugins. As a side note, I will be blogging about another plugin he has created very soon.
Although anyone who has a knack at coding can customize their own WordPress login page, Jeff’s plugin is great for those not as savvy in design. It is also great for those wanting to brand their site more effectively. Although I would put a link on my site to WordPress anyday, a custom login page is just an added attribute that I personally like to see on sites.
Have you tried out this plugin or know anyone who uses it?
well nice one from ur side i will use it first and then will reply you..
No I have not seen or tried that particular plugin. Now I would ask what would be the purpose unless it is for a membership page?
Thanks for sharing the cool tool,
There are so many plugins that perform functions for commenting, SEO etc. It’s cool to know that there are some that are being created to make the experience of writing a blog better.
Hey Nile,
No, I haven’t heard of this before.
Yes, a great idea for those who are too lazy to create their own. One question, how can we prevent spammers from registering hundreds of blog users?
Keep up the great information.
I’ve seen similar plugins that brand your log in page and allow it to be customized with additional login info and/or captcha. It seems these type of functions are needed if you use your wordpress site as a membership site or if you create private content to be used only by registered users….
Thanks for the tip!
First time heard this plugin, this seem a great tool for my affiliate ste. thanks for the heads-up!
Great article thanks for sharing, I have never really heard about this plugin but I will definitely find out more on it.
Keep blogging……
Thank you for writing and sharing this awesome article.
Does plug-ins make your page donwload time much slower? Any comments?
My old blog supporting this plugin. But the special convenience of using it I did not see, because everything used to adjust manually.
nile i was nt aware of this plugin but after reading abut it looks like great …..i will use it today trhnx for sharing this nice plugin i willl really use it fir my feature use thnx for share
It’s my first time to hear about this plugin. I’ll check it out soon – I’ve always liked plugins that help improve and develop a site’s design.
Thank you! I’m going to subscribe to your RSS Feed to be updated on your latest posts. I can also contribute some information since I know the topics that this blog covers.
Good information, i will try this and i hope it will work awesome like it sounds.
wow, thats looking an awesome plug in.
Great points……It seems these type of functions are needed if you use your wordpress site….Thank you…
Smart post Nile … you have done an amazing job.. and points that you have mentioned in your post will be of great help to many of us so Thank you so much !!