I have been a bit irked by the efiction script I use at InuYasha-Fanfiction.com. The coding is so finicky especially when incorporating a new layout. Since I have been surfing the WordPress plug-ins, and had no success in finding something that I could make a fiction site with WordPress, I thought I might suggest something in their ideas section. I am sure that it can be done using WordPress alone, but for what I want, it has to be in particular. It would be extremely daunting to go into a WordPress site and find the sidebar filled with stories. If a link directory can be created, then I am sure this can be done.
There has to be some brainiac that can harness my ideas. Here is what I suggested:
A plug-in that gives the ability for the admin to allow users to sign up and use the site as an e-fiction site, much like the script from e-fiction.org. The plug-in would allow the admin to choose to display:
1. recent fiction posted (up to how many they want) or a way like recent commenters widget for the sidebar (or both)
2. Page created for categories in fiction
3. Tabulates and gives users, and users online.
4. Functioning profile with avatar.
5. Give users the ability to comment/ review on stories.
5. Stories can be added and chaptered by “Add new chapter” or “Add new story”So, if they put [wpfiction] on the main page or active sidebar widget, the site could become a fully interactive wordpres fiction site. Just an idea…
Please, even if you do not use my sites for efiction, I really urge you to vote on this fiction script idea for WordPress. I would like to try running an efiction website that uses WordPress.
It may change the face of how we view fiction sites? And it might actually be popular…. *can only dream*
I went and voted there. I think its a good idea. Some guy didn’t even read your idea. If he’d followed your blog and saw its workings at IYFFcom, then he’d know. It might not be something we can do at the fanfic site, but maybe you can try it out somewhere else? or maybe they’ll come up with a bridge?
I myself am not at all fond of efiction, due to the phpBB-like nature of it. I have yet to be able to customize phpBB and I could not customize efiction either. I tried. LOL I voted for your idea because I think a lot of fanfic hosts would love to have another option besides efiction.
Yeah true.
Oh that’s an interesting idea (;
I am not concerned about that Lydia. I think he read it. However, I do think this is an idea worth looking into when I have the time. I wish I had a ton of it, but it is either sacrifice time with my son or my internet time…and frankly… spending time with Angel is a no brainer on that one.
There’s some stuff you might want to look into. If you get a chance, look up ‘cms’ in the plug-in search. Some of the SEO link developers have good articles. You really have to work on it if you want it, Nile. You mentioned in the idea you’re busy, but if it takes time, you can do it. I saw a site that uses WordPress (ex: http://thedeadone.net/ , has a section called fiction), but only categories. Remember, WordPress also allows people to sign up for user accounts. I didn’t look much into it. I’m about ready to leave for work.
HI just updated the efiction directory, and now I can’t see my stories. I either have to go to her website and spend the time to find out what’s wrong or downgrade back to the insecure version, which does work.
So I was also frustrated. I saw your post and found this.
It’s an article directory, but it’s similar to what our website guest would have to do, submit stories, to seperate categories.
Now I also saw your wordpress post, and the person in the thread says that he has a plugin to create chapters and categories, plus there are other plugins and together, I think we can make this happen.
I think we should consult with the creator of the theme for the article directory and see what ideas they can throw out. I am bad with email, so please just leave a comment on the site if you like the idea.