Running a site takes time and effort. However, it is not hard to do. By simply applying some of the following to your site, you might become a better website host/ hostess as well as a blogger. These suggestions could prevent you from losing valuable traffic.
Keep your blog updated regularly. No, this does not mean you have to blog daily, but if that is your norm, you might want to stay consistent, even harnessing the power of scheduling future blog posts if necessary.
Visit and comment at other blogs. Visit people you blog roll and people who have commented on your site. You might even want to go out of your way every so often by commenting on sites you have not visited before. You never know – you might learn something.
Be a regular participant on the social networks. Like blogging regularly, it is not necessary to be on Twitter or Facebook all the time, but make sure to continually connect with your friends/ followers to keep updated.
Keep your comment open and remember to participate in your own comment streams to keep the conversation going. Sometimes your readers comment because they would love to carry on the conversation that you started with your blog. If you do not participate, then why bother to have written the article?
Offer something even if it is advice, graphics, layouts, or a giveaway of some sort. People love free stuff. Contests are great, but they are only a quick way at attracting temporary traffic. There are no guarantees that your visitors will stay after the contest or giveaway has ended.
Be open-minded and willing to not always be the center of attention. There are always people who are or will be better, and you must be open-minded as you could be stifling your own learning as well as others who are interested in the topic at hand.
Do you have any other suggestions on how to be a better blogger?
Hi Nile, First I love your name. but this is really good info…thanks. I like your site because it was one of the first ones that didn't do "free giveaways" or coupons…or whatever. There was real content. Clearly, like Gary Vaynerchuck says in his book, the cream does rise to the top…or the content rich sites do come ahead. Anyway, I am looking for a cool "logo" design for my blog. Let me know if you can help me. Cheers! Makenzie Kelly
My recent post Why I Think School is Just a Big Waste of Time
HI Makenzie! Making logos is no problem. You can contact me at . I am not sure if you are looking to pay or for free. I really do not do free logos anymore, just graphics I randomly give for free.
However, if you email me I might be able to juggle around some ideas even if you want to DIY. 🙂
Wish you made it ways to becoming the best blogger… That’s one good title post. LOL;…. but I enjoyed your post…
I agree with the importance of remaining active on social media outlets. But there is a balancing act in staying relevant and informative and annoying everyone. If you tweet every five minutes, no one will listen, but if you tweet every five days, you will be forgotten. It’s a major challenge that I think distinguishes the best from the rest. Finding that balance is a clear indication of the level of understanding required to maintain and grow a legitimate web presence.
Awesome advice Nile!
I find that keeping up with your blog is so important. I like when you mentioned comments. Keeping up with responding to your comments on your blog builds a great foundation. Like you said, sometimes readers will like to participate in the flow of comments.
Also, giving a good comment on other blogs work well. I have had many people come to my blog because they liked my comment or they replied to it.
These are great tips to follow. As they say: Our blogs are our home base. This is something we need to pay attention to every day.
Thanks for the awesome advice, I will share it with others.
You Rock My Friend!
Thanks for the great tips here, i will remember this things because it can really help me to become a productive blogger…
Hi Nile,
nice post and its a normal thing which every blogger should understand and do regularly but main thing is be regular as u update your blog regular give visitor what they want your blog automatically became better
Great advice thanks. I liked your insights on staying/keeping involved. Not only with your blogs, but also being involved in the social networks. You don’t have to do it daily, but it does help to to keep a regular routine. Also, keeping the conversation going is important. Thanks.
This is advice I can get down with! 🙂 I love that in all the tips you mentioned above, they all have to do with engaging. Engaging with your audience in all platforms (especially your own, like your blog) is extremely important. We all want to be heard & recognized in one way or another.
Great stuff! Thank you. 🙂
Great insights… I have recently started a blog to promote my website and to get direct traffic from the blog. I have also started building a social circle on the social networks to try and promote direct traffic to my site. What I have noticed is that 50% of my site visitors are old friends and family and the other 50% are visitors with the same interest that I recently invited but it takes time and effort.
Thanks for the post
“Visit and comment at other blogs.” Giving and getting is a part of succeed. You can achieve succeed just by getting from others while not contributing to their succeed.
Hi Nile
One suggestion I have is to experiment with different media. Depending on your niche, your visitors may respond favorably to video or audio and you may find that you enjoy putting out content in that format too. Another suggestion is to look at your web stats and see what people are typing in to arrive at your site, this can give you ideas for further content to produce. The main attraction here is that you’ll be producing content that paople are actually searching for.
Keeping your site current is most important to me. Going to a blog and finding out that the last post was before last Christmas makes me wonder just how “into it” the blogger really is. Credibility is instantly destroyed.
Keeping on point is another key tell. I struggle sometimes myself with this as there are so many juicy subjects to attack.
Many thanks for your thoughtful posts.
In Clarity and Happiness,
These are great, practical tips. I’m new to most of this so I really appreciate the suggestions. I really like the idea of giving away something. Who doesn’t like getting something for free?
Hello Nile,
Thanks for his excellent article. You are absolutely right, being a regular blogger is the essential thing for becoming a better blogger also we have to make our own brand image to this.
These are great tips for being a better blogger. I am thinking about lots of other blogs I visit and I realize that some of the ideas you present are missing on these. Not all of them, by any means, but significantly I see old content on many blogs. Old like weeks or months old, not a couple of days.
That and responding to comments. I had always thought that the general idea of comments was to engage in a conversation. its hard to do that when you leave a comment and the blogger doesn’t write back. I especially like ti when people who are commenting on my site start talking to each other. I think that is a really cool thing.
These are really great tips, I really like the keep your blog updated advice. I find too many blogs/bloggers are enthusiastic and post a lot at the start. It’s really easy to loose interest and start posting less and less, but your readers who become accustomed to regular posts will quickly lose interest if you start slacking.
thanks and love the blog!
Hi Nile,
Though I am already maintaining several blogs I can’t still classify myself as better blogger or at least I am not confident enough to call myself one. Thanks for the tips.
hi nile
its so nice of you have shared this. this is very helpful for me.i am a new blogger here and i really appreciate your post.
I totally agree with your tips on how to become a better blogger. I will add the following: to write with passion and to be honest with your readers. Nowadays, I see persons who are driven by money. Gaining money with their blogs is nice, but they should offer something in return.
Thank you so much for the great tips…I will surely apply it. Your article is very informative, I enjoyed reading it.. God bless
i think you right when i was update my blog continuously the traffic is going to up day bay day but if i stop update my blog the traffic is disappear. continuously on posting is better way for tune up traffic and SERP.
These are great, practical tips. I really like the idea. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Nile – Some good basic info here. Good stuff!
I would also add that one does not want to make their blog simply a sales pitch. Keep the material informative and no more than possibly one in five blogs geared toward promotion of a product, service or business. That’s not to mean that business links can’t be casually embedded within the blog more often, but people get turned off by constant sales pitches.
Also (and you’ve already learned through TSA that this is one of my big pet peeves (LOL), make sure you at least run spell check and maybe a grammar checker before publishing your blog. A well written, professional looking blog can make all the difference in the world in how people perceive you as a blogger and entrepreneur.
You’ve really pointed out one of the biggies, though, and that is being interactive with fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs, and that’s one of the great things about being in a blogging tribe like TSA. The interaction, learning from each other and supporting each other is huge! But you have to get in there and play with the team! 🙂
Hi Steve!
These are just basics. I will be covering some more issues in an upcoming podcast on more blog tips. 🙂 I covered a topic a couple years ago on blog sales pitchmen without being spammy.
Spelling and grammar is fine, but you the reader cannot be a grammar snob. Even Chris Brogan has made some oopsies and the thing is that your message should be what comes through. If you the reader come in thinking this is a newspaper, handled by a copy editor, or an English major (I have a bachelors and majored in English), you are not going to get anything from the article. You have already closed yourself off from what the actual article is saying. It was hard for me to get over my peeve, but I would recommend trying to be a lot more tolerant. While you may be turned off and might even comment on someone else’s site, they may not take it the right way. I learned the hard way 8 years ago when I tried a grammar activity in a fanfiction community and it caused big issues with many of the members and set me apart as a big grammar snob. I am not saying you are, but I see a frequent message you keep sharing with others about grammar and that might make people a bit hesitant to connect with you if you are only interested in correcting people.
These are great tips for becoming a better blogger in these days.
Thanks Nile for such a nice post………..
Daily updating blog with fresh unique content and social media marketing will surely takes blogger to next level. thanks for great post 🙂
There are great suggestions. I am presenting a webinar in 2 weeks all about blogging and your suggestions will add more richness to what I say. I will use your blog as an example.
Dr. Erica
Thanks nile,
That’s very useful tips
I have been posting comment on this blog but not display Why????
Where do you get this information from….Nice very Nice
Thanks for your tips. I have plan to start my new blog. I have a old blog that was not updated long for one year. What do you suggest Nile? opening a new one or updating old one?
Consistency….consistency…consistency. Be consistent to a point when it comes to updating your blog. As for newbies like myself, I try to update at least once per day….. sometimes I try to post 2 times a day, but at minimum right now, I try not to let a day go by. Also, having a blog talking about 545 different topics won’t cut it either. Try your best to stick to one topic, or one general idea. It will keep you more focussed in the end, and allow your blog visitors to be more focussed themselves, rather than having to sift through junk.
I couldn’t agree more on the keeping the blog updated portion. If someone comes and sees a stale blog more than likely they won’t be coming back.
When it comes to be a better blogger, all I recommend is start blogging today and in future you are sure to become a better blogger. Time is at the top of everything we teaches you how to be specialized in any particular field.
I really loved the article, and keeping an updated blog really is the key to getting higher in the blogging world. I’m working on a wordpress plugin right now to offer something to the community as a whole, but I love reading articles like this, keeps me motivated.
I love all of these tips, but I have to say that having a writing style, voice, and passion to convey to your readers is very important as well. People want to be excited, and if you can project that to an audience, I think you’ll be successful.
Thanks for your tips. I am about to start a blog. I already registered a domain. I’m so ready to get started.
thank you so much for your tips. it helps a lot for those people who want to post their blogs.
I agree, Commenting on other blogs will surely make a rigid bond between the bloggers.
Nile thanks for the article. This type of article gives great inspiration.
Thanks for the article. As a newbie blogger I will take any tips I can get. 😉
Really great tips you share with us. Its very helpful for improving my blog.
Nice post Nile as always.
Informing people and our target market on news and tips is a way to keep them coming back and linking our site.
This is how trust is built.
Social networking works too but again we need a strategy behind each step we decide to take.
I need to stick to my pillar content sometimes I tend to speak about too many subjects around prosperity and women in business and I know I can improve on getting back to track;)
Thanks for sharing.
Great suggestions, Nile, thank you!
Visiting other people’s blogs and commenting can be interesting and like in the case of coming to your post, very informative.
A very valuable post.
Aside from visiting and reading other blogs, remember that you can also curate content from a snippet of a blog or post on twitter and facebook. Doing this will keep your site from “dying down” as you can regularly post articles.
Hello Nile
Learning better blogging techniques and strategies to increase your traffic and keep your audience happy is always important. Your 6 Basic Ways to Becoming a Better Blogger will enable anyone to be become a better blogger. For me visiting and commenting on other blogs has helped me more than anything else.
Perry A Davis Jr
Music City
Writing things down is something that has helped me tremendously since I started doing it. It not only helps me to remember ideas or what I need to do it also keeps me accountable.
anyways thnks for this lovely post
Blogging is all about consistency,quality and content.If you can provide consistently quality content to visitors you will be a successfubloggerl .