There are a lot of social network websites out there. Unfortunately, social network websites aren’t Pokemon. (Wouldn’t that be fun?) You don’t have to catch them all. In fact, you might be tempted to, but there’s no possible way that one individual can be on every social media site, and have time to sleep or eat, or have a life. You could, if you had a team, but even then, it might not be a good idea, and here’s why…
This is How You Prevent Spreading Yourself Thin On Social Media
You have to focus on the social networks that will bring in the engagement and traffic you desire, in order to get a return on investment (ROI.) As I’ve said repeatedly in the past, ROI doesn’t mean you are gaining something of monetary value, but it’s something you gain that you’re aiming for. For example, maybe you’re a blogger who is making money from ads on your website that people click on, or want them to subscribe to your blog or newsletter. When someone is subscribing on your website, you’re gaining something, their attention to your content, delivered to their inbox.
You could go on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, several dozen social bookmark websites, and other social networks, and drop your link. Many of them, your link is like a rock that has been cast out, and has sunk to the bottom of the deep ocean, never to be seen again. Those type of websites, especially if you’re a beginner, if you’re following your traffic (Google Analytics) or tracking it (Insights with the social network or a third party tool), after a few months, you will quickly be able to sort what’s giving you traffic, and what you need to forget about. It’s important to know where your target audience is spending their time, and engage with them.
It could mean joining groups, and being able to build your authority as you share what you know. People get curious and find where your website is, when you’ve proven to them that you really known your stuff, love to add value to the community, and are genuine with your intentions.
More than likely you do want to be on Facebook. As of May 2016, the average Facebook user was spending 50 minutes a day. There’s loads of groups for just about any interest conceivable.
Sure, you can try more than one, but start with Facebook, and then if you have time, try dabbling in others. I started on Twitter before I was on Facebook, and focus on both because they both do pretty decent in bringing traffic. Some do really good on Pinterest too, but I really don’t do much there unless I’m pinning something from someone else’s blog.
Where do you focus your social media strategy on?
Hey Nile,
Glad to read your interesting post and I agree with your whole points. The best way to determine which social media site to use is to first recognize what kind of presence you want to have.
We need to consistent and keep it simple in order to establish a solid presence on the social media platform of our choice. Eventually, thanks for revealing a light on this topic.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
I agree you have to be careful not to spread yourself thin because then you will begin to lose followers.
I spend too much time on social media Thank you for sharing this incredible post.
I definitely wasted many hours on social media trying to promote my business and completely agree that most of it were a waste. Thank you for your thoughtful advice.
I agree ou have to be careful no to spread yourself thin because then you will begin to lose traction on your page.
i agree be careful not to wear yourself thin because you will begin to lose traction
I’m a big fan of YouTube – This works great for my niche as I can answer lots of peoples questions there and post tutorials.. but I definitely should be using FB more as well.
I know there’s big potential to engage with tons of people on there as well.
It’s tough when there’s so many platforms and so little time!
Hello Nile,
I want to thank you for this post because your article is well written and SEO Optimize. Right now Social Media plays major role for getting traffic.
Could please write another blog on the same topic.
That true Facebook acts as a one big medium to add traffic to your website. Its just that one needs to spend enough time and make some meaningful comments and posts.
Very timely post for me. I’ve really been feeling like social media is a huge time waster. I know it’s not really, but if it distracts too much from your main tasks, then it can be. I’m really enjoying Pinterest now.
Social media is not for everyone. I have people that I follow on Facebook and Instagram as friends. Until one day they are using their profile to sell products. I want to tell them so bad how they are wasting their time.
I definitely wasted many hours on social media trying to promote my business and completely agree that most of it were a waste. Thank you for your thoughtful advice. Thanks!
I think it is important to remember that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc are all different audience types and your interactions with each has to be tailored to suit that audience.
I agree start with Facebook and see if it feels right and works for you and gets results. If not see if Twitter or something else works better.
Great points. Important to have a clear strategy and focused efforts.