If you’re just beginning or revamping your social media marketing strategy and you are a bootstrap business, I’m not going to lie, it will take some time and effort to get some exposure and traction for your business.
If you’re already blogging, great! The problem after taking time to blog, is to take the time to share your content on other social networks. If you’re needing something to kick start your strategy until you can find someone you can hire or find more time or money to pour into your campaign, hopefully the following tips will help you.
How To Jump Start Your Social Media Marketing Strategy In Just 1 Hour Each Week
It would be great to be able to do everything yourself, but it’s not possible unless you’ve hired someone to handle your social media marketing. AND, even if you did hire them, they most likely will include some 3rd party software to automate some of the process.
Here are some 3rd party automatic syndication resources.
Automatic Syndication Resources
This application allows you to schedule posts to share out on some social network sites. Any site that as the Buffer app button will allow anyone signed up with their service to share and schedule when the post is to be syndicated.
Hootsuite has a lot of different functions, but you can add your site’s feed and the feeds of your favorite sites to post their articles to your social streams. They do cost if you add more than 2 feeds.
Dlvr.it has a function much like Hootsuite where you can add both you site’s blog feed, and the feeds of other websites to syndicate out to several social networks. There is a limited free account, but if you wish to add more feeds, you can pay a reasonable price.
There are a lot of others out there, but these are just a few to choose from. As a note, the premium versions of each are decently priced.
Syndication from others
Getting your articles seen takes some time and effort. You can cut it down by joining a community or tribe or system that connects you with other active bloggers who are more than willing to share your blog posts.
Triberr has a few functionalities for bloggers to make money, but the primary objective is to allow the users to be able to syndicate each others’ content on various social networks, but primarily focuses on Twitter.
Biz Blogging Buzz (also known as B3)
B3 is a friendly community of bloggers who are dedicated to helping one another by exchanging comments and syndicating each other’s posts across social networks and social bookmark sites.
JustRetweet is a gamification system built to allow users to share each other’s articles on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus in exchange for points. Those points earned in return can be used to promote articles.
Social Buzz Club is a large community of bloggers that do somewhat the same as B3.
Viral Content Buzz is a little like JustRetweet, also includes the ability to promote to Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
You don’t have to do all of these, but many of these are really a good start to what you need. This strategy is great for bootstrap bloggers and business owners. However, it is not enough. While much of this helps save some time by automating the process, you will need to make sure to actively engage with you fans, followers, and readers.
You may need to seek promoting posts through Facebook ads or through Twitter. It’s important that you don’t stay stuck to only using some of the sites above in your social media marketing strategy.
How much time do you spend on your social media marketing strategy each week? Do you do participate in any of the above websites? What other websites have you found helpful?
Hi Nile,
Great tips on how to get started with social media. Lack of time is one of the main reasons that I haven’t really delved into it the way that I should.
I have so much on my plate, I just don’t have the time. I currently use JustRetweet and have heard of some of the others on your list.
I may have to check out some of these other networks to see if I can get more involved with social media. I definitely need to be using it more. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day.
Automation is really a great option available for all bloggers, as it helps you instantly share your new posts on popular social media sites. But just sharing won’t work, you need to take time to engage with your audience. That’s how you can derive more from social media sites.
Great info as always. Social media marketing is probably the big hole in my marketing plan. Thanks for piling on more things on my to do list.
Great list, Nile. Lack of time has been a major factor for me. I tried a couple of them before, and it just seems to take longer for me. If you say it takes an hour a week, I know it will take me at least two… more at first when I’m getting things set up.
A social media strategy is a must for businesses. If you’re not utilizing social media, you’re missing out on one-to-one communication with current and potential customers, building brand awareness, free traffic and a medium to distribute content. Hootsuite is an amazing product for businesses to load up on posts and schedule them for a future date. It’s one of the better tools and helps you leverage scale.
Social media plays very important role in driving traffic and getting popular. It becomes really tough for one person to handle all social networks with the blog. The tools you shared definitely help peoples.
I use Buffer and JustRetweet will try other too. Thanks 🙂
Hi Nile
Thanks for the Biz Blogging Buzz and Social Buzz Club recommendations – I hadn’t heard of those before.
Outreach is something I’m keen on improving at the moment so hopefully these sites can help.
Great set of social media promotion tools Nile. I use most of these and my favorites are Buffer and Social Buzz Club.
Two that I would add to the list are Triberr and Blog Engage. Both are great for promoting YouTube videos through RSS Syndication. Since I started using Triberr, I no longer need Twitterfeed or dlvr.it. I can just add the autopost option in Triberr.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us,the best thinh which i like about this post is that its content is quiet unique and one can easily understand it,
and you have quiet great grip on this topic,you have explained those points which normally aren’t explain by others so keep working and posting hope to learn more from you. And definitely i will recommend others.
These are some excellent resources Nile. I use Buffer occasionally because I like the ease of adding content on the fly from various websites I visit, but the other tools you mention are good as well. I haven’t tried Just Retweet but going to check it out now. I have heard good things about it, just never taken time to look into it.
Hey Nile
Lots of helpful sources – how about a post on how a newbie should spend that hour a day on Social Media – should they start with Facebook? Should they be looking for people to comment on? There’s a lot about services you can use – but then nothing about OK now that I’ve got HootSuite what do I do?
Hi Nile, I just wanted to say that Triberr kicks some serious ass! It can be a bit difficult to get the first day you use it as it seems too empty. But if you start to get the tribes concept going, it will work wonders for your blog! I’ve seen a significant increase of traffic, which I didn’t expect to be honest. Give it a try and you’ll remember me! I have to make tests with the rest of your suggestions and I’ll come back with more feedback. Thanks a lot!
Thanks, I’ll be looking into Biz Blogging Buzz now for my own blog.
I once used dlvr.it for some time. I auto post to my fb fanpage and twitter account but after few days my twitter accout got blocked. They detect this auto posts as a spam . Now i do these works manually .
Nice One, I’m most familiar with the Hootsuite, Other Ones that caught my interest are B3 and Social Buzz Club, will give them a trial
These applications are great way to share our resources on social media websites. I think you did a great job listing them here. I was not aware of this. Thanks a lot.
Hello Nile,
I actually spend time in social media, by adding friends, follow, join groups, like pages, share. And that’s my routine everyday. I found your site useful and it helps me a lot on, how can I manage my social media task. I already used Hootsuite and its nice with your help I found something good news to use those sites you give to us. Thank you for posting and good job 🙂
Social Media has been a boon for small companies. Always trying to reach our communities when we started out, we connected with all of the local newspapers, radio, and TV on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and made sure that they had our latest headlines and blog posts. These broadcasters had great following in out market, and many of their fans are now followers of ours, too.
Wow cool list of social sharing application. Now these days social marketing is the best way to reveal your business or product. But I have a doubt about your advise…. isn’t using this application spamming?
you have explained those points which normally aren’t explain by others so keep working and posting hope to learn more from you. And definitely i will recommend others.
Nice! I also use Retweet.ly although not every day or week. (It takes a while to repopulate with valuable tweets to share.) I love the idea of a community to share each other’s articles, very simple and positive.
I never used any of them. All of them are really new to me. I will use them for sure. Thanks you Nile for the nice and helpful information.
best automation tools to increase social media promotion..
thanks for sharing
Social media strategy is very important in every business. you should target your niche quite easily from social media and can cater the needs of the customers accordingly.
Hi Nile,
Awesome post, no doubt social media plays a vital role for promoting your business as well as your website or blog. Through this you’ll get some decent traffic for your website. All the tips you share are great which is very helpful for everyone.
hello nile
I tried a couple of them before, and it just seems to take longer for me. If you say it takes an hour a week as ia m new to blogging thnx for this complet review will share it wid my other frnds too
Thank Nile!
I’m familiar with several of this resources, but not all of the. I’ll definitely have to check them out.
Because I definitely need all the help I can get with regards to creating a non time consuming, and effective social media marketing strategy.