As promised in my #WordPressWedneday roundup series, I’ve decided to create a special series on the Podcast, just for WordPress. It’s also called… The #WordPressWednesday Podcast. I’m not separating the podcast, I’m just giving it’s own series. That being said, this podcast is meant to be informative and entertaining at the same time. It
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WordPress Version 3.5.2 Is Available!
WordPress version 3.5.2 is available for users to upgrade to. This version addresses some maintenance ad security issues. Some of the fixes were also to harden the WordPress core. I know that there are a lot of people that have been looking forward to WordPress version 3.6 to finally be released, but this one is
[Continue Reading...]How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
Securing or as some have dubbed ‘hardening’ your WordPress is important. Why? Well, it allows you to keep out hackers or if you have guest writers, you can make sure they do not take over your blog and boot you out. Also, it could help you with spammers. If you are reading this article and
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