Popularity and being influential are not always the same thing. While it is often great to be popular, or be influential, or both, they are not always a hand in hand type of deal. For example, you can influence a small group of people or a large group of people. Being popular normally means you
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How To Find, Connect, And Influence Followers
Finding, connecting, and influencing followers is definitely not easy when you are trying to do all three. It is easy to find followers on Twitter, but to actually connect and influence them, is a whole different game. On top of it, it is is hard to do all three, especially when trying to trying to
[Continue Reading...]Make Your Tweets Powerful Enough To Reach Your Followers
When I mean “powerful”, I mean how many people do you actually reach? How many of them would welcome a direct message from you that asks them to retweet your post and they actually do it without hesitation? Are you effectively influencing these bloggers? – Are they actually referencing you as a source of knowledge
[Continue Reading...]How To Widen Your Blog Circle
As a blogger, you probably have met quite a few people. You probably have some regular readers, and maybe interact with the same number of people. Not that they are boring, but after some time, you might find yourself stagnate in your site’s progress. It might be from lack of knowledge in a topic, or
[Continue Reading...]Let Your Followers Decide Who The Expert Is
There are so many people out there in the world, and even millions upon millions of websites out there. Each person is knowledgeable in their own field. Whether it be novice or an expert, when you begin a site, you should not be telling people you are an expert in your field. In fact, I
[Continue Reading...]Klout’s New Algorithm Not A Winner With Fans
Klout, an Izea property that measures how much reach and influence a person has over several social network platforms recently rolled out a new algorithm. Along with this, an influx of angry users due to their major drops in their Klout scores. According to Klout, they score individuals based on three areas: True Reach, Amplification,
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