It has become increasingly annoying to see some of my WordPress colleagues’ works being sold for $5 on places like Fiverr. Here is a quick search access on Fiverr to see if any WordPress themes are being redistributed. The site does have its uses – that is, as long as people are not abusing the
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GPL and WordPress Plugins
I was reading Joost de Valk’s post, On the GPL, Themes, Plugins & Free. Matt Mullenweg had mentioned during WordCamp Chicago 2009 about how WordPress was going to be putting a separate section recognizing people who did commercially supported GPL themes. I for one, though I have never been very verbal about it, have always
[Continue Reading...]Thesis Adopts A Split GPL
Chris Pearson and Matt Mullenweg clashed over GPL in an interview conducted at Mixergy. The license adopted is one that covers Thesis for its WordPress components as well as Pearson’s own work into the product. So, you cannot redistribute Thesis as it currently is. You can only redistribute the parts that are WordPress code and
[Continue Reading...]Thesis And WordPress Clash Over GPL
I am not a Thesis user. I have designed for Thesis, but I have no love of it. Frankly, it bites. I wrote about Thesis before, and even though I offer a free and simple skin, I still have no love for it. Thesis does not enhance SEO in any way. In fact, here is
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