There are a lot of Facebook applications out there to help a blogger publish their posts on their fan pages and profiles, but I have not found them very handy. In fact, it took quite a few tries to get it right. I found Simple Facebook Connect. I recently started a new project called
[Continue Reading...]Are People Spending Too Much Time On Facebook?
Is Facebook becoming the place to go to even when it is not a rainy day? Aaron Wong wrote Facebook: The Leaky Faucet of Time in response to Mashable‘s article Facebook Is the Web’s Ultimate Timesink. He put to the fact that the Mashable article said that according to Nielsen Ratings that Facebook users are
[Continue Reading...]How To Add A Facebook Fan Box To Your Site
A lot of website owners are making fan pages for their websites. For me, because I have several sites, I just have one here on to myself in general. However, I found after I put the fan page widget on my site, people were emailing me or sending direct messages to ask how I
[Continue Reading...]Scams On Facebook To Avoid
Lately there have been a a lot of scam “fan” pages popping up that I have noticed, especially this holiday season. Of course, I have seen a few this past year, but in the past week alone, I have received quite a few invites to pages promising to give me a free item. Most of
[Continue Reading...]Facebook To Undergo More Changes
As said by Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg in his article An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg, the social network community will undergo more changes. Here is what is mainly mentioned: ➡ Remove regional networks and give more flexibility to user privacy settings (what content the use will allow others to see whether family,
[Continue Reading...]Facebook Feed Changes, Eliciting Negative Feedback
Recently Facebook rolled out their new feeds, yep, feeds as in more than 1. One is the Live Feed which is somewhat like the old stream except you are informed of your friends following others and what they became a friend of. The other is the News Feed that publishes popular posts, at least for
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