Don’t forget to make sure you are keeping your blog fresh with new posts. If you an at least do one in a week, it is better than publishing none at all. Oh, and when you do publish a new article, don’t forget to come by my Facebook fan page and share your most recent post for #SharingSundays. 🙂
#SharingSundays is an event intended for bloggers to get a little more exposure to their website. While any blogger can link drop, it is making the effort to visit other’s websites, share articles, and leave comments that not only help a blogger grow into good habits, but grow their own blog circle.
This week’s sharing was light, but all of these are great posts.
#SharingSundays Recap 2013 Volume 24
Shalu Sharma, who enjoys writing about travel, tels us How to start a travel blog and make money eBook.
Devesh Sharma teaches us How to Schedule WordPress Blog Posts with Bufferapp.
Sherryl Perry has rounded up some tips on her Friday Finds series Do-Follow Social Media Sites and a Filter for Facebook | FridayFinds
Marquita Herald shares heart warming stories on How a Simple Act of Kindness Creates Everyday Heroes
Stop by these posts, read, share, and enjoy. See you next Sunday!
As always Nile, thanks for running this event on Sundays and for sharing our posts on your blog. I especially enjoyed reading Devesh Sharma’s post on using Buffer to share our WordPress articles.I use Buffer too and love it.
Hi Nile, thanks for mention here. Nice collection of blog posts. I had no idea you could schedule blog posts with Bufferapps so that’s something interesting. The post on back linking particularly the list of do follow social media sites is going to be helpful.