I do not call myself a WordPress guru. I am far from it. However, I have been following the swelling tide of the blog script since its baby days as b2. I have been thrilled with a lot of the developments. There are a lot of tools offered to allow bloggers to become seen by search engines, and overall, get the audience they need. Of course, WordPress does more than that, so I thought I might divulge a few nifty plugins that I use either here or have for clients.
1. All In One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert. This plugin allows the author to insert keywords into their site. There is one downside. If you have several blog entries show up on a page and a lot of keywords (example: more than 20), it might not work in your favor. On the other hand, this plugin could prove powerful if you are keen and able to choose valuable keywords to describe your posts.
2. CommentLuv by Andy Bailey. CommentLuv allows your visitors to not just leave a comment, but a footprint leading back to their own website with the title of their most recent post. This is great because not just the blog owner can see, but any visitor might also become interested in visiting your other commenter’s sites.
3. Dagon Design Form Mailer. This form is extremely customizable and contains a great verification system.
4. Google XML Sitemaps. This plugin is something I say is extremely essential in making a sitemap that Google will definitely recognize. Although I was going to mention the one by Dagon Design, I have not been able to get it accepted in the Google Webmaster Tools.
5. Sub Pages Widget by Alper Haytabay. The Sub Pages widget allows you to organize your subpages from section to section and choose whether you want to list your root pages on your sidebar. This helps get rid of some of the long list of pages and gives it a more hierarchal look.
I almost made 6 choices, but the WP Link Directory by Sean Bluestone did not make it due to a few captcha errors. I was trying to put this on Blondish.net to help me maintain my link exchanges more efficiently.
However, for the moment, these are the ones I have enjoyed the most. Do you use any of these?
I’ve tried CommentLuv, but that’s it out of all. I gave up using CommentLuv though.
Loved all the helpful suggestions regarding WordPress plug-ins. It can be overwhelming for a newbie to understand what each one does, and how it could benefit their blog.
One of my favorites is the Google XML Sitemaps plug-in. You even have a few I have not come across before.
Love your WP theme & thanks for the info!
Well, there are a lot of plug-ins out there I have used, but for just general blogging, I thought these were the best. I do have plug-in suggestions for other types of blogs. WordPress is extremely flexible. I had a gal say that a plug-in could not be made to convert WordPress into a fanfiction / fiction site. Already there is a plug-in for a Comic plug-in (ComicPress) and it has some of the parallel necessities needed for a fiction plug-in. Pretty cool, huh? 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Chris!
I haven’t used WordPress that long. Maybe since 2OO6, however I plan on sticking to it. It’s my favorite blog publishing program (besides blogger 🙂 Ive tried cutenews and fanupdate but none of them are like Wp. Im deff. a devoted fan 🙂 Those plugins just make life so much easier! I think my favorite plugin so far is the site login plugin (i forgot the name). That way when you want to be totally exclusive and private you can basically shut your site off to anyone who DOESNT have a special registered login 🙂
Hm… I’ll have to check out those plug-ins. I’m especially interested in the Form one…. I’m using a different plug-in right now… but I don’t really like it. :/
You’ve got some interesting plug-ins listed here. I’ve used Commentluv before and probably will again it’s a good one. I never heard of Dagon Design Form Mailer but I may have to give it a try! Thanks for the info by the way I love discovering new plug-ins.
Charity’s last blog post..It’s 2009… really?
i am looking this list of plugins long times in forum
i want to move to wordpress so i dont know anything about it
I’ll have to check out those plug-ins. I’m especially interested in the Form one