It’s been some time, but I’ve been catching up on re-podcasting some of my conference and WordCamp presentations. This one was originally done at WordCamp Orlando in 2014.
I want to thank Syed Balkhi of WPBeginner for last minute inspiration on adding a question to my presentation that is often asked in regards to making money using WordPress. Now, this presentation is definitely different from another past WordCamp presentation Making Money With WordPress, which had been more of an inspiration and motivational piece.
This presentation is more informational and gives you tons of ideas to use, and for some, new stuff to consider when it comes to making money using WordPress. I’ve also includes some vital tips and even some usual WordPress plugins.
This podcast presentation is just over 40 minutes long, so you will want to sit back and relax… maybe even grab a wine or soda or beer. Let me know if you use some of the ideas in this presentation in the comments below. Also, feel free to ask me questions or make some suggestions on other ideas for making money using WordPress so others can benefit from that knowledge. ๐
I recommend visiting my Slideshare page, Nile Flores on Slidehare, for all of my videos as some of the other presentations there have great information and some are quite relevant to this very presentation. It’s all free, so if you’ve been struggling to come up with ideas on making money using WordPress, content creation, blogging, SEO, and more… my Slidehare page is chock full of that. Please do take advantage of the information there.
In the mean time, I hope you enjoy the podcast, and hope it is helpful.
Podcast Presentation: Making Money Using WordPress (slides and audio)
Podcast Presentation: Making Money Using WordPress (just slides)
Podcast Presentation: Making Money Using WordPress (audio only)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:36 — 46.5MB)
very informative and helpful post about earning money from wordpress site . I think this post will be help for Coders At Work who doing web designs search friendly and working for earning money from his wordpress site . Thank you for your help post . Now I am going share this post with my team . I will be come back soon to read your article .
I was searching this kind of information.. Thank You Nile
Hey Nile, I love how you have both options for us here, I do love pod casts and found this one to be very informative..
I loved all the ways you have suggested on how to make money using your WP blog as well as the great plug ins to go along with them.
I cant understand why people don’t have their about page set up, we all know people do business with people they know like and trust. So I really agree with this one, You do need to let people know who you are, an introduction. Right?
OK I know the newsletter is a BIGGY an something I really need to get on.. I do have a contact form though and a few people do use this..
Oh Yeh I am ready to Rock Out my website like a Rock Star..
Thanks for sharing..
Chery :))
Hi Nile,
No doubt you have done a tremendous job. In your podcast presentation you have share some lucrative ways of money making using WordPress.
Thanks for nice sharing.
Muhammad Mairaj
You made an excellent post on it. Your presentation style is very good. Its contain lots of information and tips I need. As a newer its very helpful for me to understand and work with it. I specially say one thing , I had fun reading this and many great insights here. I will share this information with my friends and they will certainly love to read this. Very informative, Iโll definitely give these 5 stars.
Thanks for sharing this great article.
Thanks Nile for an information packed video. This was very helpful for me as you revealed some methods that I have not heard of. I will bookmark the post to come back later and will check your slideshare.
I know you’re from Illinois, but for some reason, as I am reading your blog articles (and you are narrating them to me in my head), you have an English accent.
After listening to your podcast, I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.
Haha! I have a background in English literature. Perhaps that is why.
I live in Illinois. However, I’m a military brat. Basically, it’s hard to gauge where I’m from. It’s not the first time I’ve heard that.
Great informations , thank you for sharing it with us !
Excellent blog…thanks for sharing…its very interesting…i’m searching for this information from long time…
Very interesting and informative, thank you!
Superb article it is very helpful for me Thanks for sharing with us keep up it
Have a nice week Ahead.
Nice Information, hope to see more of it soon.
Thanks a lot for the slides.
It was just what I needed.
So many good suggestions – and – there are not enough hours in the day to implement all those possible actions. I loved the slides because I could zip through them to find all the nuggets, like the sites to get paid to blog, contact form plugins and ways to sell ads.
Dr. Erica
You have excellent informative blog. You cover every topic that is useful by blogger point of view .
I would say every newbie must follow your blog for getting latest information.
Every time I learn new thing form your posts.
Thank you Nile .
Hello Nile,
It is very useful and Interesting Making Money ideas and points Great Work and mind blowing information Thanks you for Sharing me,
have a Great Week Ahead
You just blow away my mind with your perfect English. It is first and foremost reason why I visit your blog. Also real informative content for beginners. Thank You
Thanks . I was looking for this type of information . Your blog posts is clean and easy understandable.
Thanks for such a comprehensive run down of all the ways to make money with WordPress. The slideshow is an excellent way to quickly see what areas of the podcast are the most relevant for those who already know some of the info. I certainly learned some new things.
Thanks Nile for providing this podcast! I am going to make a cup of tea and sit down and listen to this podcast! Thanks for everything you share on your site to help all of us be more successful with our blogs and online businesses.
Hi Nile,
You shared really informative post. You cover every topic that is useful by blogger point of view .
I would say every new blogger must have to follow your blog for getting latest information.
Every time I learn new thing form your posts. Thanks for sharing such informative post.
Hi Nile. You have presented some new information to me although I was aware of some of the stuff you have mentioned. Also, some of the plugins you have talked about are all new to me too. Great suggestions and great information. Thanks ๐
Great info as always Nile. I truly do need to monetize my blog and am in the process of migrating it from WordPress hosted to self-hosted so I can. Take advantage of all the wonderful plugins such as Easy Digital Downloads and Ninja Forms. I also need to add a newsletter opt-in. So much to do!
Hi Nile,
What a wonderful podcast! Making money using WordPress does begin with our blogs. It shows authority as we give good content and share it. It also goes hand in hand with social media. Yes, we do need to be approachable and talk to people.
There are so many ways we can make money with our WordPress blogs. You sure have covered all the many ways we can make money from affiliate blogging, e-commerce sites, service sites and blogging news.
It all depends on which way you want to market. Thank you for this wonderful information and the links you have provided.
Thanks Nile!
I really loved your podcast! And thanks for sharing that
Woo commerce shopping cart plugin.
I had not heard of them and I have a friend that interested in
using his WP site e-commerce purposes, so he’ll definitely be potentially
interested in the particulars of that plugin..
And I agree with your excellent advice for local businesses or services, in that they
need to have (along with their number) possibly prominently displayed in their homepage header,
they need to have a contact form!
Because like it or not, a ton of their potential customer/client base is mobile active and
they won’t call, as yo wisely pointed out!
Excellent presentation, thanks!
Great tutorial, Nile. Thank you for giving the slide presentation with it, because living out in the sticks as I do, I don’t always have the speed or bandwidth to watch a whole video.
I like your easy-going, straightforward teaching style. You’re easy to listen to, and your content is packed with value. Makes me wish I could attend a WordPress Camp some time. ๐
Hi Nile.
What an information-packed slide presentation on how best to make money using WordPress! You certainly have a lot of good info. I wish I stumbled upon something like this when I was just starting out…
By the way, I like that you offered both a video and slide presentation. Great idea in that it allows your readers the ability to choose what works best depending on how much time they got. I went through the whole slide show, but it’s definitely a great resource, so I ‘m going to bookmark this page so I can refer to it again when I need to. Also, I listened to your video. So nice to hear your voice after reading your posts all this time. ๐
Thank you Nile. , Excellent post and very informative, this is what exactly i was searching for and i found it here., Great job.
Thanks a lot for sharing this, I always wanted to make money writing things I love.
These day many internet marketer use podcast into his blog, I think this is another tops source for online making money, before reading this article I didn’t having any information about podcast.. thanks so much sharing this informative article.
Mohd Arif
I have a multi niche blog ans I always sharing some news related stuff on mu blog, I think I can implement podcast into my blog thanks for sharing this great article. Good work
Most of my time I use blogger and hardly ever use WordPress, but your recommendation for making money with this podcast presentation I think is a worth try. Thank you.
Hi nile! Previous honest I have not got the money from wordpress. maybe because I did not know how. but now by reading this article I learned how to make money from wordpress.
Thanks Nile for an information packed video… This blog is awesome
Really a power packed video but frankly speaking I have not made a single penny from WordPress.
Thanks! Nile Very Informative Post!!! hats OFF