The ‘edit this entry’ template tag, or edit_post_link gives the blog owner and any other users with editing privileges to have a quick link to click on that will allow the user to edit an article. Users who do not have this capability, like your readers who are not registered members will not be able to see this link as it is hidden from them.
The code is put within the Loop.
<?php edit_post_link('Edit this entry.', '<br /><p>', '</p>'); ?>
Some users find this handy, while others do not. For those who have a theme that has the ‘Edit this entry’ and do not want it, go to the single.php or the page.php and look for the above coding. Simply remove it and it is gone.
Hi Nile!
This is so fantastic! I liked this option. It is not possible to get a 100 percent right draft at one go. So, this is a great tool. Thanks for sharing information about it.
How do you have time to blog with all you have going on? Kudos to you. I like this tag and although I am not great at editing wordpress themes, I might give this a try.
Great post! It gives the blog owner and the other users with editing privileges to have a quick link to click on that will allow the user to edit an article. Users who do not have this capability, like your readers who are not registered members will not be able to see this link as it is hidden from them.
What a clever idea!.I never get my posts right first time,or other things occur to me after posting the article.I will definately be using this code. Thanks
very nice post Nile i like to remove this from my blog today thank you
in which template file should i add this ?
You can edit the single.php or even index.php (for your single post template)