Wow! WordPress has been around for 18 years now?
I can remember when I was converting my b2 cafelog blog over to the beta version of WordPress, so many years ago.
It’s been a long journey, and I’ve been grateful to meet thousands of WordPress users in-person, at WordCamps and other blogging and social media conferences. I’ve even got to work alongside some great WordPress and tech companies, and collaborate with people I can call friends.
It’s amazing how this community has grown and how far it’s reached… supporting over 40% of the web ( reference- .)
I can’t wait to see what’s next.
When did you start using WordPress? What is your favorite feature about WordPress?
It is hard to imagine our business without WordPress. My blog is a little newer than 18 years but have been using Word Press the whole time.
I started using in 2007. My favorite feature is the copy/paste from Google Docs to Gutenberg without codes!
That is amazing that it has been around that long. I have only been blogging for 11 years.
Wow I did not know wordpress had been around that long! I have been a user for about 11 years now.
Wow, that was a very long time ago, time flies by so fast.
Happy 18th birthday to WordPress! I may be using Blogger right now but I have used WordPress for many years (since 2011), both of them are my favorite blogging platforms.
Wow, Love this post I started on WordPress in 2014 up to now but not active like before.
Wow, it’s crazy it has been that long already. I know it has been very close to ten years for me.
Oh, I didn’t know that. WordPress was intimidating at first but I’m totally loving it now. Happy Birthday, WordPress!
Wow. What a milestone! Look how far they have come, very impressive
wow! 18 years! I can’t believe it! WordPress is easy and accessible to everyone! Love it!
Wow that’s amazing. This really was super useful to me. And it’s 18 already wow! I love WordPress.
It’s crazy to think that it is only been 18 years since WordPress has been around. It seems like most sites are built on it giving the impression it’s been around for much longer.
Woaaah, happy birthday WordPress!! So helpful in doing my blog!
Wow WordPress is 18 years in the business already, and they’re really doing good!
WordPress is the best.. I started it after when I failed in blogspot. And now my blog is in peak with wordpress. Thnk wordpress..
wow! 18 years! I can’t believe it! WordPress is easy and accessible to everyone! Love it!
I am a Blogger blogger but just recently signed up for a free WordPress for our Garden Club. So far I am liking it!
WordPress is a user-friendly software very easy to use, I have just started using WordPress in 2021, awesome tool.
Happy birthday WordPress
Happy birthday to you wordpress god bless you .
there are many people starting their blogging career because of you thanks bro
Wow! WordPress has been around for 18 years now?
I can’t believe it! WordPress is easy and accessible to everyone! Love it!
Wow! I can’t believe that WordPress has been around for so long!