I was talking with AlohaArleen on Twitter about MyTweetFollowers.com. At first I wanted to know what it was as she was asking around if anyone had heard of it and if it worked.
I decided to inquire and she sent a link. Being the geeky girl who is always curious and will try something in the name of proving or disproving if it works, I went to the site. You log into the site with your Twitter ID and password and you are led to a page with 2 sections of followers. First, you have to follow the VIP people who pay to be listed. Second, you have to follow 20 of the people in the regular listing. It is really something different.
The VIP (paid) members simply pay $5 a day for 10 days or $6 a day for 5 days to be listed and not rotated through the system. I am trying the system myself, but I am not sure how it will turn out. I guess like the other programs, I will have to give it a little time, like a week for a verdict.
The site seems scary to me since they state upfront that they can ‘use your account to promote this site’.
I’m paranoid though, so I suppose we will see how it works out for you.
I am not sure if it will. I think you can just gain only so many followers and then you have to go back in every so often to list your account on top to get followed more. It seems like a reciprocal follow rotation.
About the comment that asked about ‘using your account to promote the site’. Strictly what that means is that it will post a link to http://mytweetfollowers.com when you sign up and one other time during the day. In the end this is resulting in you getting more followers.
Question: Do you have to go log in every so often at the website to be places back at the top of the rotation.
Question 2: If the first question is yes, what happens if you already joined those VIPs listed? You cannot get re-listed at the beginning of the regular rotation?
I hate to make a new comment, but the reply isn’t working for me.
Anywho, Mr. Marston, I appreciate the explanation, but explaining that more clearly could help the overly paranoid such as myself. Heck, maybe it’s there and I just didn’t read well enough.
I’ll go re-read…
I will look into that and see what is going on with the reply in the threaded comments. Thanks, Dan!
Answer: The regular riders are taken off the regular list after 40 new people join. So for every 40 regular riders that join you are taken off and have to follow new people to join again.
Answer2: Vip riders can’t join the normal section because that would be taking away from other regular riders. I mean it is required that they are followed first of all so why be followed twice?
@Cord Marston, Sounds logical. The blog is not to be scathing, rather to try to prove or disprove in general (like an experiment.) So far I see good things with yours. I am actually interested in designing for your site, that is… if I can add it to my portfolio, which I really need to get cracking on.
Yes if you can come up with a decent design feel free to send me a preview and I’ll let you know. Who knows maybe you can get some free VIP out of it!