I had an issue this weekend with a power outage, so I used the time on my laptop to put together some graphics. The emoticon section needed some additions as well as sprucing, so I have been diligently working on it.
Here are 5 new sets I have made. These can be used for self hosted shoutboards, and even blogs. I have been getting a lot of requests to make the Rounded smilies in a variety of colors, so I thought I would at least fulfill that request. I have a few other colors to complete, but this should do. It took a lot of time to do all of them.
Blue Round Smilies (15 x 15 pixel)
Set of 21 smilies [download#13]
Green Round Smilies (15 x 15 pixel)
Set of 21 smilies [download#14]
Gray Round Smilies (15 x 15 pixel)
Set of 21 smilies [download#15]
Purple Round Smilies (15 x 15 pixel)
Set of 21 smilies [download#16]
Teal Round Smilies (15 x 15 pixel)
Set of 21 smilies [download#17]
You can also download more types of smilies on the emotion graphics page.
Those are cute! 🙂