After reading the TechCrunch article Facebook’s Response To Twitter which goes over the fact that Facebook has changed up its look to phase out the use for Twitter, I am still not impressed. It still loads slow, and that is more to do with both interface and the advertisements.
Facebook is bulky and as I usually describe it, a serious, but cousin of MySpace. Money-wise, definitely Facebook is big, but Twitter has become a great alternative to the chat room. I remember the days in the mid 1990s that I was chatting away on Yahoo! Chat and had to block spammers.
With Twitter, I can even access it on the phone and text with my followers and friends. For what it does, as a singular function, it does well. Facebook is trying to become the monopoly of social media. I do not blame them as I would love to make the money they are making any day. However, one fact is that I was never motivated to join Facebook until I was able to find former buddies from high school that I had not been able to find anywhere else, including MySpace. Of course, theses days I rarely go to my MySpace account but a couple times a month.
My only hope that the talk about Facebook wanting to acquire Twitter only stays just an interest, but not. I do not want to go to Facebook when I can use Twitter quickly in any application whether Twitter itself, through text on the phone, or even Tweetchat. Of course, there are those who do not feel Twitter is worth the time and the fact there are people just amassing tons of strangers as followers, but there are people that are using Twitter for information exchange and even talking with others they either know offline (IRL) or have met through online through a common interest. However, what is the difference when the same thing can by done in other social media websites?
The information exchanged is a lot faster than joining a forum. For example, I can often be found surfing the WordPress trendy topic (#wordpress and also #wp), answering real time questions for issues that other users ask. It is quick and much more rewarding to know if my advice/ suggestions helped or to be able to troubleshoot a problem.
Currently Twitter does not have any advertisements displayed on its site, which is pretty impressive for a site with millions of users. Even if Twitter incorporated a 125×125 banner ad or two or even does some text links, I would still use it.
Facebook, although useful in it’s own ways, will never match Twitter. Of course that’s my own opinion, but I personally dread logging into Facebook anymore. I think Facebook is becoming more and more confusing to the average user instead of actually becoming better, and most of us don’t want to wade through all that Fluff when we’re specifically looking for one function.
If Facebook did acquire Twitter I would be MUCH less likely to use it. Myspace and Facebook have become more or less time killers to me where as Twitter is something I use throughout the day everyday. Not only does it allow us to communicate with family and friend in real time, but it has become a viable part of the business world, especially where tech support is concerned.
I’m afraid if anyone, not just Facebook, took over Twitter it would become full of advertisements and fluff. The lack of that is one reason why I love Twitter so much. It’s also the reason I hardly ever sign into Facebook or Myspace anymore. I’m tired of constantly deleting enormous amounts of requests to join all the various apps that do nothing but slow down the site and drive me crazy.
Jenn’s last blog post..Toothaches All Around
I am addicted to twitterrrr! I never used facebook or ever paid it much attention so the changes are irrelevant to me. lol
honey.’s last blog post..Black & White
First, did you change your logo, its far out, love the tagline.
Second, I still feel that both socnet companies have different purposes. I love the remote control effect of twitter and its 3rd party apps and I don’t like the bruisin’ experience of facebook and its 3rd party apps. Still when someone from facebook emails me they are on my wall its a home sweet home feel upon arrival that I don’t get from Twitter. I wonder if its the way I entered into both. In facebook by invites with no more than 40 people. In Twitter I was followed about 250 in one day and after 3 weeks 1200. (uh yes I started getting into follow a bit there also). I have learned and am learning incredible things from Twitter about me and social, conversation and value that I don’t learn from Facebook. Yeah, that’s it Facebook has unconditional love and Twitter does not. hmm yep the two will remain knocking on my email door for quite a while.
My favicon I did change, but nothing else. However, I am glad you like it. 🙂
I dislike Facebook to be perfectly honest, as they have it set up so that you can not see if you know someone without making them a friend first.
Twitter is easy and fast and that is the way I like it. I know if Facebook were to take over Twitter they would either eliminate Twitter entirely or make it so slow and complicated no one would use it anymore.
Charity’s last blog post..Ok, Where The Hell?
Facebook and Twitter are entirely different… I use to want it to be combined but I accidently turned on that Twitter app where your Tweets go straight to your FB status and I was like omg… it just felt weird for all my friends on there who doesn’t use Twitter to see all my updates. I hardly use FB though… there’s too many other important things on the net for me to do. =P
I remember the good old Yahoo chat days. =P
Katy’s last blog post..Sweating your ass off can be fun too!