I was actually writing this blog up when I got a link from another Twitter member ( @denharsh ), that you can claim your Twitter Profile on Technorati.
Of course, for those who have already done it, you can claim your blog by simply adding your URL and Technorati gives you a key (a claim URL) to put on your blog. You can do the same exact thing with your Twitter account. You can simply add your twitter account URL (Example – http://twitter.com/blondishnet) click enter. Technorati will automatically produce a claim URL that you can put in your Twitter account.
You do not have to put it in your profile information. You can simply insert it into your Twitter stream and it will work the same. When you have done that, you can click the submit button in Technorati to claim your Twitter Profile. It is pretty nifty!
Thanks for the link back my friend.
Harsh Agrawal’s last blog post..Why you should write about social widget you use on your blog?
Nice site! thanks for the great post…%d%a%d%aPeople should read this.