There are quite a few sites dedicated to extending a helping hand. Some for free, some for a fee. However, do not forget about the WordPress Support forums! It is a forum that is full of many people who regularly answer any questions that come up, even myself. If you have not signed up there,
[Continue Reading...]WordPress
How to Display Comments and Trackbacks Separately
If you’ve observed your WordPress comments for each of your blog posts, sometimes you see comments, and others are trackbacks. Trackbacks are links back from another post, on another website. If another blogger mentions your post, and links to it, then you will see this. With some themes, you can disable showing this. However, if
[Continue Reading...]How to Find WordPress Category ID
What? Why would you have to find a WordPress category ID? Good question. Some themes or plugins ask you for this, and usually it is for things like excluding or including a category. You’d think that some of these themes and plugins have a drop down that will pull a list of your categories, but
[Continue Reading...]How to Reverse WordPress Comments Order
Ever want to know how to reverse WordPress comments order? By default, WordPress displays comments as first come, first serve, or in order received. Why would anyone want to put newest comments first? Well, it might make it seem that the conversation is still going, especially if you have an old post that still has
[Continue Reading...]Applying Author Gravatar In Post Comments
Not long ago, Gravatar (globally recognized avatar) was new and shiny, and people were implementing it into their blogs. Gravatar has since become easy to implement and users can simply put in their themes comment.php file: <?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 32 ); ?> Where 32 would designate the pixel size of the image that the
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