I was reading Joost de Valk’s post, On the GPL, Themes, Plugins & Free. Matt Mullenweg had mentioned during WordCamp Chicago 2009 about how WordPress was going to be putting a separate section recognizing people who did commercially supported GPL themes. I for one, though I have never been very verbal about it, have always
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WordPress Plugin Review: WP Likes
With all of the plugins to vote or to show your blog article’s popularity, WP Likes might be something of a novel idea. It takes the idea of the ‘like’ feature on Facebook and allows your visitors to click if they like your post. This plugin is a good idea to have as it does
[Continue Reading...]Teaching WordPress – The Kitchen Sink is Not Free to Give Out
As a freelancer in the WordPress community, I’ve faced a lot of situations. What irks me the most is when a website owner expects me to go meet them, face to face, and teach them WordPress for free. I can teach WordPress any day, all day, and love it. I can’t teach it for free.
[Continue Reading...]WordPress 101 Video: How to Fill Out Your User Profile in WordPress
The following video tutorial is for newbies, specifically focusing on guiding you, the user through filling out your profile in WordPress. This is a great function with any WordPress powered site, especially if you have a theme that has an author box or even author template to call the information from your profile. This could
[Continue Reading...]Is The Swift Theme Really Swift?
I have been hearing about the word going around about the Swift Theme and if it was really that “swift”? There are a lot of themes that boast how fast they are or SEO ready. Please remember, WordPress already comes SEO ready out of the box. The plugins and tweaks done to themes add a
[Continue Reading...]WPQuestions: Ask a WordPress Expert
The WordPress Support forums are a great source of information, but to not always dig deep. This is where WPQuestions comes in handy. A lot of the questions involve getting down and dirty in code – somethings involve stealthy PHP ninjas. 😉 For those who just need a little coding help, but do not want
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