I found a nifty WordPress plugin and this one themes your login page to conform with your current layout. It is called Theme My Login and it was created by Jeff Farthing. Now, this is different from the tutorial on theming your WordPress login page. As further explained on Jeff’s site, his plugin overrides the
[Continue Reading...]WordPress
Brand Your WordPress Login Page Without A Plugin
There is a Custom Admin Branding plugin for that, but why bother when you can insert a few lines into your theme’s functions.php file? 😉 However, if you like to change up your site’s theme sometimes, you probably want to change the log in page too. A lot of people have been really hooked into
[Continue Reading...]How To Make A Tag Cloud Page In WordPress
Some people really would like to have a tag page. Well, on this tutorial, you will be able to add a tag cloud to a page without making a template or even using a plugin. You can use the template where you create a page and can select it, but perhaps you want to add
[Continue Reading...]Display First WordPress Full Entry and then Following as Excerpts
I like to use this code to display the first full entry and then the rest of my entries as excerpts from my main page. This is not hard to do and only requires that you replace a few code snippets. You can apply this to your theme’s index template file (most commonly index.php), or
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Moon Wallpaper
I hope you enjoy this simple computer desktop wallpaper. It is another WordPress related one for those who are fans. Why do I make these? Because I like WordPress enough as a fan and have met many like myself who share the enthusiasm. When I attend and speak at WordCamps (WordPress conferences), I always see
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: StatPress
I really enjoy using StatPress. Let me re-phrase that – I really enjoyed using StatPress for a time. I would review StatPress Reloaded, but it is only compatible to 2.9.2 and seems to not have any updates since WordPress is on version 3.3 (December 2011.) StatPress is a real-time statistics plugin for users to install
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