For the past few years, I have been using Gravatar, which is a “globally recognized avatar.” A gravatar is something to give your blog comments a small, but nifty image. It is an attribute that WordPress and other blog content management have designed plugins to to display them within blogs both free-hosted, self-hosted, or even
[Continue Reading...]Blogging
BlogExplosion, You Were Not Forgotten
I was looking through my old layouts to see if I forgot to put anything on my current blog. Lo and behold (yeah, I know kind of an overused phrase), I found BlogExplosion. BlogExplosion is a site that allows you to surf other sites for credits. In return, you can use the credits for advertising
[Continue Reading...]Some Twitter Tools for Beginners
Twitter is a social media venue that allows people to connect. I have found it to be a great place, even better than some of the forums I have participated in the past. However, as I see people comment and wonder what twitter is, or even ask me how they can do better, I just
[Continue Reading...]Recommended WordPress plug-ins for blogs
I do not call myself a WordPress guru. I am far from it. However, I have been following the swelling tide of the blog script since its baby days as b2. I have been thrilled with a lot of the developments. There are a lot of tools offered to allow bloggers to become seen by
[Continue Reading...]Blogged?
Anyone ever heard of I ran across this site during a search and my site was listed there, so I took a look. This site has a load of nifty things, including a way for visitors to sign up. As a user, you can rate and review a blog. Now, I thought when I
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