Originality is what most people look for in a site, along with a way to maneuver around easily. Let us be real, as most people will be lost without a way to surf any website. One way to help, is to focus on cleaning up your design to make it more user-friendly. There are many
[Continue Reading...]National Blog Posting Month
National Blog Posting Month or affectionally known as NaBloPoMo is an event that happens during November each year – the same time as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month.) No, you do not have to write 50,000 words in one blog post or throughout the month. However, this is something bloggers can sign up and take
[Continue Reading...]Content Writing and Methods of Building Linkage
Anyone can make a site. No matter how much was invested in the site (ex. time, or money), and how good it looks or even how it is structured, alone it will not build the key traffic with internal and external links. If a webmaster wishes to drive links, there are some options out there.
[Continue Reading...]Are Splash Pages Necessary?
Are splash pages really necessary? Well, first off, in order to make a valid case, what is a splash page? A splash page is a website’s entrance page. The splash page contains words or images to briefly convey the mood of the site, like a first impression or like in a business, a calling card.
[Continue Reading...]November Is National Novel Writing Month
National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo is around once again. This is the third year I have participated. Every November thousands of people take up a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel before the end of the month. Insane? Cool? I am really excited about it and although I missed the first meetup of
[Continue Reading...]Web Elite Snobbery: Why It May Hurt You in Social Media
The “web elite snobbery” is really a loose term. When I mean web elite, I mean the following: 1. Those who have high standards when viewing websites and eagerly badmouth those who do not meet them 2. Those who have no idea that the Internet exists beyond their circle and this limits their topics 3.
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