Digg has been a wonderful place to social bookmark articles and share with others, but after the Digg version 4 upgrade announced by Kevin Rose on August 25th, there has been an enormous amount of negative responses. The social bookmarking site now allows more emphasis on followers, rather than the merit of articles. Some users
[Continue Reading...]Watch out! Facebook Might Sue You For Having ‘Book’ In The Name of Your Business
Yep, you heard it! The Los Angeles Times published the article Facebook sues start-up for using ‘book’ in its name. The small site Teachbook.com is the target of being sued. This site helps give teachers a leg up with their job by providing valuable resources to manage classes. Personally I think Facebook just picked the
[Continue Reading...]WP Ecommerce Premium Gold Cart Plugin – FAIL!
I have used the free version of WP Ecommerce for quite a while, so when I had a client need their product to accept payments through First Data’s LinkPoint module, my client invested the money to add the extra payment gateways. Lo and behold, when installing the premium upgrade, the payment gateway did not work.
[Continue Reading...]PHPurl and PHPads update
I have moved the download files of PHPads and PHPurl back onto Blondish.net after being contacted numerous times that the free file hosting went over bandwidth and they could not download my PHP scripts. As a refresher, PHPads is my simple banner ad management script. PHPurl is my short URL script. I originally pulled them
[Continue Reading...]Twitter Tools Back In Action
After a lot of work, Alex King finally got Twitter Tools working again. However, there is a catch. If you want to automatically post to Twitter, you will have to apply for a Twitter API to sync it with your Twitter Tools. Although Alex says it is a big tricky, it really is not. The
[Continue Reading...]5 Places to Look In An Email To Identify It As Spam or A Hoax
Recently I read Ann Smarty’s article, How to Identify Email Hoaxes and Scams. I have done a lot of work to identify and prevent receiving mail through tweaking my own inbox. Spam Assassin is a great program, but because of people being clever enough to put together programs to mass spam and how they word
[Continue Reading...]