There are so many freelancers out there, and there are people who get jobs and outsource them, claiming the credit of the designers they hire. These people are known as project managers, or depending on how they conduct business, they might even be considered con artists. Being a project manager is okay. For myself, I
[Continue Reading...]When Accepting Guest Posts Might Start Hurting Your Personal Blog
Guest posts are great. You get fresh content and the guest writer gets a backlink. That is merely the tip of what guest blogging is all about. However, there is a point when guest posts might start hurting your blog. If you are running a site and it is normally just you, and your followers
[Continue Reading...]Sponsored Tweets: Are You Paying Attention?
I know some people say the have either paid for having their site or service tweeted, or even participated in getting paid to tweet. Some have had great results, and some do not? If you use Twitter, have you noticed sponsored tweets from some of your followers? If so, have you thought of them as
[Continue Reading...]Is Your Version Of Control Over Your Site Hindering You?
I meet with a lot of local and area clients, and one thing they love to have over their website is some type of control. They want to be able to maintain or have access to maintain their website. They want to be able to do a lot of things. They also, once they get
[Continue Reading...]Terms of Service – Do You Read Them?
One of the things I hear a lot from people when they tell me they hate a place they had been a member of online and got their account suspended is that they believe they did not do anything wrong. The problem is after asking if they violated the site’s Terms of Service, they said
[Continue Reading...]Tweet Pirating: Are You A Victim?
There are tons of sites out there for Twitter users to harness in order to have a better experience. Some may be getting more followers, some may be unfollowing, some may be simply using to Tweet. Some of these services participated in tweet pirating – a method of where you joined the service and they
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