I have seen the most illogical keywords that people come up with, and mainly because they are trying to put in everything they can think of that hopefully ranks their site higher in the search engines. This is pure folly to do as it is over-optimizing. Another thing is actually search engine optimizing with keywords
[Continue Reading...]Yahoo! Releases Research On Who Is Moving And Shaking On Twitter
It has been a few years since Twitter first started, and in 2011, nearly half a decade after Twitter started, finally some numbers are coming into play on who is moving and shaking on Twitter. It was even exciting to see some of the bloggers that Yahoo! Of course, this was a research put together
[Continue Reading...]Freelance No-No: Web Design In Exchange For Exposure
A lot of newbies in freelancing ask me all sorts of questions about what it takes to freelance and even how much should they charge. I have even had scenarios tossed at me, like if it was okay to design a site to get exposure. That sparked an idea for a blog post, because I
[Continue Reading...]Etiquette Of Freelance Negotiation Between Buyer and Freelancer
Everyone is different. Yes, it is cliche, but when it comes to negotiating a freelance project between buyer and provider, no transaction is the same. It could be based on the employer or the actual freelancer, or what type of project is involved. The problem is communication. In freelancing online, you are more often to
[Continue Reading...]Basic HTML Tutorial – What is HTML?
HTML is a short acronym for HyperText Markup Language. The language consists of tags surrounded by angle brackets and can effect the way a person sees a website. It can be used in scripting languages like cgi, php, and javascript to person any number of actions. Example of a tag: <head>. A basic page consists
[Continue Reading...]Interview With An SEO Expert – Shannon Steffen
I met Shannon Steffen at WordCamp Chicago 2010, and I was just impressed by her. She presented right before me about WordPress SEO and I was so happy to hear that my SEO beliefs were not off the wall. Also, it helped because she was my seat buddy too so I probably talked her ear
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