There are so many images online, and so many more being created every day. Some are free, some are royalty free, some have licenses that you have to purchase in order to use the image, and some you just cannot even legally touch. Are you using images that you have permission to use? For those
[Continue Reading...]SEO Myth: Credits to the Web Designer Steal Link Juice From Your Site?
If your website was designed by someone else other than you, and their link to credit their work is at the bottom of your site, are they stealing your link juice? Some of the SEO consultants out there will flat out say yes. However- it is not true… …unless you are not putting your own
[Continue Reading...]Teaching WordPress – The Kitchen Sink is Not Free to Give Out
As a freelancer in the WordPress community, I’ve faced a lot of situations. What irks me the most is when a website owner expects me to go meet them, face to face, and teach them WordPress for free. I can teach WordPress any day, all day, and love it. I can’t teach it for free.
[Continue Reading...]What Goes On At Fiverr Stays On Fiverr!
Fiverr is a very popular site. Of course, there are a lot of great deals, and then, there are some that are not so great. However, with Fiverr, it is kind of nice for some people as it means they can use the service anonymously. Five dollars for a service that might cost 5 or
[Continue Reading...]Agree To Disagree Blog Comment Etiquette
Most people will find something along the way, especially when reading blogs, that they may have an opinion that not always agrees with the author of the post. That is okay. Blogging is not always suppose to be a feel good kind of gig. Some people may have some harsh views, and others may agree
[Continue Reading...]Your Reputation Can Change in 140 Characters or Less
If you are the person behind building your brand online, what you say can have a huge impact. Your reputation can literally change in 140 characters or less! Every day someone says the wrong thing and literally that person gets unfollowed, or even harassed. Perez Hilton was a prime example when he bashed Michael Jackson
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