Are your WordPress plugins up to date? While many of you might have between a dozen and two dozen plugins installed, when you first installed them, did you check to see when they were late updated? If not, you should check. Having plugins that have not been updated is as much risk as not keeping
[Continue Reading...]Are You Still Scared Of Updating Your WordPress Site?
Are you still scared of updating your WordPress? STOP! While you might be afraid of updating, you are doing more harm than good. Not might, some, a little… more like A LOT. WordPress is tested out thoroughly and by the time each version update is available, there are many important areas covered. Glitches/ bugs, security,
[Continue Reading...]How to Add an ‘Edit This Entry’ Link into a WordPress Theme Template
The ‘edit this entry’ template tag, or edit_post_link gives the blog owner and any other users with editing privileges to have a quick link to click on that will allow the user to edit an article. Users who do not have this capability, like your readers who are not registered members will not be able
[Continue Reading...]How to Change The WordPress Default Avatar
Sometimes that default Gravatar with the gray and white seems boring. Lucky for you, instead of altering internal WordPres files, you can harness the power of adding a filter to your theme’s functions.php to change your default image to display. 1. Open your template’s functions.php 2. Insert the following code: add_filter( ‘avatar_defaults’, ‘newgravatar’ ); function
[Continue Reading...]Edit The Number Of Words For The Excerpt in WordPress
Some people might think it is the number of lines you have to define to edit how long or short your excerpt in your WordPress article. It is not. It is defined by how many words. WordPress by default picks the first 55 words as your excerpt. However, if you wish to edit to make
[Continue Reading...]Big News! Will Be Carrying WordPress Topics Once Again
For over two years, has been without WordPress specific topics. After careful deliberation over stats like traffic, keywords, and my brand in general, I decided to close and move all the articles back over. I also consulted with a couple dear friends who are great marketing strategists before making this decision. What sparked
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