For those who are W3 warriors, web standard is important. However, for those validating each page, you will run into a validation error on your comments.php with aria-required=’true’. This is the code chunk where it is found in comments.php: <?php if ($req) echo "aria-required=’true’"; ?> This refers to an WAI-ARIA Primer, which is basically an
[Continue Reading...]Plugins Are Great, But Not Always the Solution
For those who are in love with plugins, that is fine, but they are not always the solution. Some of those plugins are bulky and not just for the files, but the database request connections they produce. For some web hosts, they crack down hard on people who use more resources than allotted, and that
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: Google Analyticator
The Google Analyticator plugin is design to be used in WordPress blogs to allow your Google Analytics to pick up the stats of your blog. The plugin is written by Ronald Heft. The convenience of this plugin is that you do not have to end up inserting the Google Analytics code manually. This plugin does
[Continue Reading...]8 Ways You Can Support Your Favorite Blogger
I have a couple favorite bloggers I like to read, and I know you do too. While not everyone has the financial means to support their favorite bloggers, here are 8 ways you can support yours. 1. Leave a comment. This is the easiest way you can support your favorite blogger, especially if you regularly
[Continue Reading...]Can Your Static Site Be Converted to WordPress?
I always have people that want a blog added to their site find it shocking that they can have their entire static site on WordPress. The problem is that a lot of people who say they want to use WordPress and are new users, are intimidated by being able to maintain their site. Sometimes the
[Continue Reading...]Will BuddyPress And Self-Installed Social Network Platforms Ever Become A Threat To Facebook?
Faustos Fernós asked on Facebook: Lets talk about social media and Buddypress- will self-installed social networks ever become a threat to Facebook, or just another place to network? Probably with all the Facebook suing companies over trademark, you have to wonder if they would ever go even more senile and try suing other social networks.
[Continue Reading...]