Not everyone uses the Links section in the backend of their WordPress. However, there is Adding and editing links in WordPress. It is important to note that the Links section in the WordPress backend does not have to just be for blogroll links. It can be used for many things like affiliates, relevant sites to
[Continue Reading...]Managing Users In WordPress
I have put together yet another screencast for people who are new to using WordPress, specifically to help guide them through managing users in WordPress. The biggest thing about the user section in the WordPress backend is that you have to be aware of the roles, especially if you are an administrator that is creating
[Continue Reading...]Social Media Successes: Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion of Feast of Fun
So, here I was speaking at WordCamp Chicago 2010 and eventually I met these two guys from Chicago that were podcasters…. like super awesome podcasters. This was of course, before I got into podcasting. They were asking about BuddyPress in regards to their website, and we even talked some shop. I am speaking about Fausto
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Video: How to Insert An Image to A Post or Page In WordPress
A lot of times my clients ask me on how to add media, like images to their WordPress posts or pages. It is not difficult, but sometimes a screencast helps things along. I have conveniently put together this simple WordPress screencast on how to insert an image to a post or page in WordPress.
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Video: How To Create A Page In WordPress
Here is a video tutorial for newbie WordPress users on how to publish a page in WordPress. Pages and posts although seem alike, they are used for different purposes. Pages are usually more static, as mentioned in the video. Static is usually more for pages you normally do not update as often, like an About
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Video: How To Create A Post In WordPress
The following is a simple video screenscast for new users to become familiar with creating a new post in WordPress. Hopefully this tutorial is helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. This is for WordPress users who are really new and are not sure how to use WordPress yet. One of the
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