Here are some basic tips for those who are new with Twitter, or may use Twitter, but have a few questions. Remember that Twitter does have a Help section that is filled with resources that extend further than this blog article.
1. Fill out your profile, including your profile picture. A lot of people connect more if they see a picture of a person, but as long as you have a picture, your chances of being followed back are greater than that of a person with the default Twitter picture.
2. Automatic Direct Message, or Auto- DM: Despite the fact that they seem really nifty to use, do not if you are a business. For one, it is a sure chance you may be unfollowed quickly if your Auto-DM right off the back tells people to visit your business first, rather than connect with you and develop a bit of a friendly relationship.
3. Do not continuously plug the same thing in your stream every 2 to 5 tweets. It is annoying and most people who are active on Twitter will notice. That is called spam.
4. If you re-tweet (RT) or re-post another’s tweet on your stream, make sure to give credit to them. It makes you a courteous tweeter, and you might make a new follower.
5. Giving out some Follow Friday love (where you plug people you recommend others to follow on Friday. Hashtags #followfriday and #ff) is great, but excessive tweeting can be seen as annoying and spam-like. Spread your follow friday love out throughout the time you are online.
6. Do not expect people to follow you back just because your followed them. You need to have a conversation first before they may follow you back. A lot of people who have a lot of followed automatically follow back.
7. If you are getting messages in your streams that you can gain over 16,000 followers in 30 or 60, or even 90 days, do not even think about joining. They do not work or they involve a lot of shady follow and unfollow techniques.
8. If you DM (Direct Message) someone, follow them. It solves that problem with one-sided conversations. If you do not, there is no way that they can reply to you via the DM method.
9. Despite your opinion, if you run into a problem where you are in an argument with other tweeps (Twitter people), remember this: It is better to agree to disagree, no matter the issue. It looks bad if you try to enforce your opinion and people will see you as a megalomaniac.
10. If a person says they are an expert, do a little research before you take their advice or employ their services. A lot of people like to give more credit to themselves than there should. This is not to discredit those who may be able to ‘walk the walk’, but to prevent you from having a bad experience with those who can only ‘talk the talk.’
These are just the ten tips that come from the top of my mind that I have been tweeting off and on since December 2008. Do you have any?
when i see spam in my stream line
i immediately click unfollow