I was alarmed to see some bloggers suggest in a blog tip that it is better to blog crap than not at all. That is WRONG!!! Always blog your best! If you are being told as a new blogger that you should blog as much as possible and not worry about the quality of your content, you need to find a new blog mentor.
This was one of those cases of the blind leading the blind. I set this blogger straight. You don’t need to worry so much about the quantity of articles you produce as long as you have the quality. Sure, if you are an excellent writer and know your stuff, then more power to you if you can write a lot.
It is not a race to see who gets to success in the blog world first. Every blogger reaches their own success in their own way and in their own time. And if you have a friend who blogs, don’t take advice from him if he or she has been doing it for less than 2 years unless they are a special case that they have outstanding content and engagement on their blog. You cannot grow as a blogger if you are taking advice from someone that barely understands what they are doing.
Even for veteran bloggers, there are always more things to learn, especially in the nuances of each individual niche. However, ALWAYS BLOG YOUR BEST!
Blogging is not just spamming the Internet. You need to have quality content. You are absolutely right. Just getting a link out or your word out for marketing purposes is cheap and obvious and will turn people away from your blog in the end.
I agree with this article. Doing your best should also apply to everything that you do in life. Quality will always help you out online.
Well that is an awesome article. I also try to share things that i do in my life and with my website because it really encourage newbie.Azad recently posted:Related posts with hovering forBlogger
hello nile
really nice and inspirational post. we should always try to write our best for the sake of our readers because they do not need crap. everyone can write crap but what makes you different is your writing style.
Nice post. I should say that most of us just post for the sake of posting, this eventually leads to our blog’s demise. Thanks for spreading the word.
Wow, seriously – crap?! I can’t imagine seriously considering that advice let alone passing it on to others. It not only sucks for the readers it’s hard to imagine the level of long term damage that will do to someone’s brand – and that stuff just never goes away.
I would run far away from any blogging “guru” that says blogging crap is better than not blogging at all.
I can imagine they are thinking that out of pure quantity that you will eventually attract some traffic. But even if you do they will not stick around long enough to take any action.
Following popular blogs, I could see the difference they make with their posts. All their posts ensure a level of consistency and a definite direction that’s optimized for a great read. It’s an art of observe, digest the information and produce something better understood by your audience.
Some of the worst crap I ever posted continues to bring me hundreds of hits every day.
Some masterpiece class articles I’ve uploaded have only been read by 3 or 4 people.
Go figure! 😉
I’d recommend going back and improving those articles. I am certain you’ve been hit by the issues that other bloggers have been lamenting.
hi Nile
nice article every time when i read you article i definitely learn some new lesson from your post and thats very helpful with my blogging thanks for sharing.
It’s like you say Nile, that if someone writes well they can write often. I often find that clients don’t have the discipline to write or research a post. The only way to instill that discipline is to encourage them to write more often. The more the blogger writes, the better they will become.
Blogging is not like traditional publishing it can be edited and perfected afterwards at a very low cost, you can’t to that in traditional publishing.
Also the best someone can do when they are starting out is vastly different from when they have 6 months or a years experience.
Until you know where the blogger is in terms of writing experience, goals, discipline and experience then all blogging advice is wishful thinking – wishful in the sense that the right person is reading it at the right time in order to take action. There are some that say better writing increases the likelihood of this happening and others that say promoting the post is what finds you the right people.
I agree with you 95% ! What do I mean by that? Well, what I mean is that Sarah is bringing out some excellent points as well.
Let me clarify. I have been blogging a little over 2 years now. I have developed an email list. The people on that email list subscribed because they thought I had quality stuff and that’s what they want filling their email inbox. And that’s what they get — Quality Blog Posts and Videos.
I recently skipped 3 weeks from blogging (which as we bloggers know is a LONG time not to post). Why? Because I refuse to publish crappy content on my blog. I have a bit of a fanbase and I don’t want people to Unsubscribe from my email list after all this work to get them on it!
Even without publishing a blog post for 3 weeks (and, yes, in case you are wondering, I am ashamed of myself for going so long without a blog post !) my Alexa rank Still Improved! Amazing. It doesn’t happen all the time and it’s not recommended, BUT it’s Still BETTER than publishing crappy content.
On, the other hand, I agree with Sarah in the sense that when you first start out you should publish as often as you can. First of all, Almost NO ONE is reading any of your stuff (newsflash to new bloggers!). And, second of all, the more blog posts you write in the beginning the more you learn about how long it will take, what you like to write about, dealing with comments, syndication, etc, etc.
Ok, that’s the end of my thoughts. I think I wrote enough in my comment to constitute a crappy blog post for my own blog! LOL
Thanks again for all you do for Bloggers, Nile!
~ Jupiter Jim
You should not publish as often as you can when you first start out. You should post at least 1 time a week and with the intention of trying to produce the best content you can. It does not mean you are a perfect writer. Blogging is not English class and is not journalism. As I replied to Sarah, developing your blog voice does take time. AND… at least you can go back and edit what you have.
I am not disagreeing with you or Sarah….. but I think you all missed the scenario that spurred me on to write this.
Always blog your best… sometimes you cannot in the beginning, but trying to is just as important. That will suffice, and you are right… you can always go back and edit later on. Blogging and developing your true blog voice takes time. The problem is that this was spurred by someone who told a new blogger that it is okay to write crappy content in quantity. That is not okay.
Quality content should be the biggest goal
Great post..’ Thanks , dear you nice sharing with me.
It is very effective for me, again thanks……
What a nice hit again. Nice post admin. You are doing the best of your efforts to teach us in well manner. Thanks. Blogging is based upon quality of content .
To sad to read that there are bloggers who do not care about the quality of post they shared on the internet. As for me if I don’t have time to write quality articles then I am not writing anything.
I agree with this article. Doing your best should also apply to everything that you do in life. Quality will always help you out online.
Interesting writing there. There are many beginners even some experts around too who don’t put effort on what they write.
Was surprised seeing well renowned news services making out Typos and spelling mistakes. Once you get popular, the hardest thing is to keep up with your popularity and its this popularity stage when writers care less about what they write which eventually starts hurting their reputation at a later stage.
You make a great point Nile. Before I found this group, I was part of a group where the majority of the participants obviously believed that it was okay to write crap on their blogs. I left that group after about a month because it was awful for me trying to think of something ‘thoughtful’ to comment on. How could I…the blogger did not create thoughtful content.
Hi Nile,
Just came here from reading an article on how to write blog posts in under 20 minutes.
Personally I don’t think that should a be a goal for any bloggers that puts his readers and his reputation on the first line.
It always takes hours to write a blog posts, a lot of times I spend a couple of days testing every bit of information I plan to share.
I think that’s what people who have a blog should focus on. Nothing beats a genuinely useful piece of content.
Have a great day Nile.
You can write a blog post under 20 minutes, but it depends… my posts with graphics, I only write at least 150 to 300 words with a graphic meme and that takes under 20 minutes. However, people are trying to rush through blog posts… and that is how we get incomplete material. And I am pretty sure the person who wrote that post has been blogging less than 2 years.
Good post!
This is completely true, just posting rubbish on your blog will be classed as spamy by Google and in this day and age you want to be keeping them sweet!
It’s in your best interest to post good content, after all you are representing your own product or services.
It’s very surprising that some people would encourage those methods as if your goal is to rank well in search engines then Google are going to hate you as they only care about quality.
If you’re wanting to attract an audience then eventually they will get bored with all the lackluster updates.
I think if anyone tells you to post something whether its crap or not, has no idea what they are talking about. I would say though that if you are starting a blog don’t think too hard about your first few posts. Rather concentrate on getting good content out regardless.
Blogging your Best helps to improve your PR in search engines. I fully agree with you.
Thanks for sharing the information
One word for this post…amazing!!!
People completely over look the fact that blog is about passion and the quality you want to offer to your readers. Some of them get so wallow up in marketing hype that they compromise on the quality aspect…. BIG MISTAKE.
Loved this piece of info!!!!
It is tough for a newbie blogger to understand a perfect difference between a Crap and Good writing. One may end up taking a bit crappy as his one of the best piece.
Informative article that worth sharing,keep it up
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Hey Nile. That’s a well put article you got there.
I totally agree with you. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Blogging is putting your best foot forward because it entails online reputation and credibility. You have to create and publish unique articles that will surely catch the attention of target audience.
HI Nile, I do agree with you to always do your best, when I first got started blogging, I really had no idea what my best was.. Now when someone asks me about what to blog about I tell them to go and check out other blogs in their niche, actually take the time to read and comment and to get clear about what it is they want to do with their blog. ( Like your blog here, so full of helpful tips) Another tip is to join a syndication group and join in the conversation this had really helped me to become conscious about the quality of my posts.. Great Reminder Thanks for sharing Chery 🙂
I do agree with your contents, Doing your best should also apply to everything that you do in life. Quality will always help you in every aspect of life even you are working online.
i need taffic on my site, i made a blog and i am looking for traffic sources, can any one tell me how i can bring immediate traffic on my blog? pleas help me and i also tell me some thing about social bookmarking, is it is useful to bring traffic?
I have a lot of articles on my site that actually answer your questions. If you have a presence on social networking sites and you are visiting other blogs and honestly commenting, you should be doing fine. Also, it does not hurt to try social bookmark sites like StumbleUpon or even Reddit.
I totally agree with what you said. The only thing I could kind of see being helpful about saying blogging crap is better than not blogging at all, is that it’s important to develop a rhythm and a good follow-through with your blog. Getting into the habit and being consistent is important.The other reason I could see for saying that is you don’t want to put too much pressure on yourself to do something magnificent. You know, make it natural. However I would never say “blogging crap is better than blogging nothing at all.”
dear i am totally agree with you. Blogging is putting your best foot forward because it entails online reputation and credibility. You have to create and publish unique articles that will surely catch the attention of target audience yes its true
very nice article Nile.
blogging wants dedication and dedication always outputs in the best product if you work hard for your blog then it will be very easy for you to blog your best..
very nice and motivating post, thanks 🙂
it need a lot of research and time for me
to make a quality post but it is worth it
good post anyway
Hi Nile. It’s the 3rd article from you I feel worth reading. And you know what, I’ve read only 3 of your articles. Good luck 🙂
Yes, agree. So much of the internet is crap. But it’s also the world’s biggest democracy, so if something is crap, people won’t come back!
I agree with Anthony. There is all sorts of worthless info on the internet. But it only hurts your website.
Hi Nile, this is another great piece, the first article I actually on here was also about building great content. Now this tells me that you’re bent on writing great content. And yes that’s the what’s up. Keep this good work going ma. Will check back soon. Cheers!
I really had no idea what my best was.. Now when someone asks me about what to blog about I tell them to go and check out other blogs in their niche, actually take the time to read and comment and to get clear about what it is they want to do with their blog.
Hi Guys,
Well according to me it is great post and it will also help to those who really interested in blog posting.
Again Thanx a lot
This is true. Visitors are hard to come by and once they reach our blog we should attract them with good article and not crap ones.
You made some good points there. I did a search on the internet for the subject and found most people will consentwith your blog…
Nile, Yeah, telling someone to blog crap is not good advice. Who would want to come back to that persons blog if they were throwing up worthless stuff. I think equally as important as blogging your best, is finding out what niche you are good at filling. If you have a passion for something, it will come through.
Thanks for the admonishment!
Yes always blog your best. Whatever you are writing you should be perfect on that topic. That will make a great article. Nice post.
Nile, thanks for the great reminder. Even if writing lower quality content on a frequent basis may have worked before, it still hurt that person in the long run. Glen Allsop of Viperchill.com is a great example of long, really excellent posts. He often would wait weeks before posting the next article, but his sites have always fared well.
True thing.
great post, would love to see more of u in the near future and i have become a new follower for u.
Niles–Well said. We do need to develop the discipline to make sure we retain quality content. There have been many weeks where circumstance has kicked the heck out of me all week and I just don’t feel like writing, but I have done it so I had a “fresh post” that was not so fresh! Not good!!!
Awsome blog and amazing post to share it with my friends.
Yes, I agree. Unique and quality content are very important. By the way, it’s a great website. I learned a lot from your posts. Thank you.
I always place quality over quantity. Blogging is never a duty, rather we must take it as a hobby.
each line of this post highlights true facts behinds blogging. Never do blogging by simply focus on money making. According to me it is one of the good online jobs. By doing blogging we can acquire knowledge and can share our information with other one. Providing right contents is to be the main goal of every blogs. I really appreciate this wonderful post. Thank you for sharinng..
Blogging is a way of earning for some and to others, it is a way to express their point of views with world. It may be choice of individual that what kind of blogging he prefers but it is truth that if you do anything with your complete heart, belief and dedication then you always perform your best. So firstly decide the thing you want to do and then just do it with complete passion. It will surely bring you success, later or soon but for sure.
I really agree with the article!! Blogging needs quality content and you have to keep updating it regularly and always reply to the comments on your blog which builds a good relation with the bloggers.
That’s obsurd! Of all the useless advice I’ve seen on the Internet, blogging crap over nothing has to be the biggest load of bull. I’m sure a blog full of crap is just as useful as those old blogs full of keyword stuffed articles.
And Google definitely isn’t paying them any attention.
Just like you said – and like you do – share quality information. Nothing less will do if you’re in this to make money long-term.
Thanks for sharing your insight 🙂
I am so happy you wrote this post! I am new to blogging and have being doing it for around a 11/2 years and so many people advised me to just write alot of content but don’t worry about if all its high quality. For me I would rather do 1 post per week than 5-7 posts that are not the best that I can offer and feel good about.
Thanks for your great insights and timely advice!
Hi Nile, very enjoyed to read your post and i am 1000% agree with you on writing the best post 🙂
Actually myself don’t know what is blogging but one of my friend explained me what is blog and how can we utilize it.this site also helped me a lot
Blogging can’t be done without passion. Bloggers are there with their own thoughts and their power of imagination. Nowadays, everyone jumps into this blogging world to generate some amount of money but they don’t know how they are spamming the whole blogging industry. I think they should stay apart from this and try something new else.
And yes, this post has made many points clear about this term BLOG.
Hi Nile. I’m glad you wrote this. I sometimes feel badly that I don’t get up as many posts per week as I would like. One of the things I did at the beginning was to work with a branding coach. Although I’ve made some mistakes, I have tried to make my posts useful, educational, or entertaining. As I’ve refined my brand, I’ve come to stay away from certain topics. And I never throw something up just to have content. Thanks for sharing.
All the best,
Hi Nile
Unfortunately I think sometimes we think we have to right something and just get it out there. I know my posts have got a lot better lately as I have learnt how to lay them out properly adding images and such. The problem is I now look back at some of the first ones and they are well I will say not so good. Some are ranking so I have started re writing them to hopefully improve their performance if I do this though will changing them adversely effect their ranking. That was my only worry???.
Thanks lee await reply
Doing a good research before writing the blog is very important. If you have the desired information, then you will definitely write the best blog.
ALWAYS quality over quantity when it comes to blog posts. Blog posts there are over optimised look so false, it’s horrible.
Content is king, of course. Quantity is importatnt, but quality is more important. We can write both good and much content if we consistent to share, not to take some advantages.
Nice post, I like 🙂
Thanks for your posting, i need this information ..
CEO Success Ezine
Always blog best : reason write your own artical , create your contnet , steal and cheeting is too much now a days i hate thos who copy some one else post.
If posts are realted to some subject people will love to read it and try to improvise the post on social sites like facebook , be a good blogger means ” write ur self and good “
Hi there, I REALLY agree here. Blog your best, or please, do not blog.
One of my pet peeves, for whatever reason, is spelling. Why is this so difficult? (Aside from ESL perhaps).
For instance, this little box I’m typing in even now seems to have a spell-checker, so that when I err, it lets me know.
Misspellings is a no-no and a hard one for me to forgive, especially in a blog that is trying to convince.
great post thank you for sharing such kind of information
thank you very much for your very useful information for me and I was amazed by the article that you create is ..
Thank you very much ..
Hi Nile,
This is nice and informative article for online business. I am also doing same for my blog and article part.
Omg… A wonderful Title…. It grabbed my attention….
Yes it is worth and appreciable yet necessary to blog about the things which your audience can get information from and not the crap…. Yeah surely it is pretty true….!!!
Love..don’t blog crap – although it reminds me of my early blogging days and goodness me it was often crap – I think it is good to have an outlet when starting out to write the crap that never gets published so you can strengthen the writing muscle as well as get the crap out…great reminder. It is true if you have nothing to say, then don’t…or it is something like that 😉
You are absolutely right blogging must be do by passion. A dedicated blogger never focused for money making, they always try to provide content full articles. Thank you for sharing such a informative post……
Totally agree with this not only in blogging but in every thing one must give their best and they will find good results…
Aim your goals and be optimistic and be calm if you want success.
Again great info, being a new blogger I find your content really helpful.
Nowadays, content is the king and there’s no doubt about that. For you to succeed in blogging you must generate high quality content that adds value to the user. Failure to which google which is the leading search engine and one which kind of calls the shots on the internet will rub you the wrong way and you will be punished severely.
Good content is not also essential for the sake of search engines but it also helps you build a good reputation among your blog visitors and customers because you will be able to retain them and may be get referral from them to others which will result to higher conversion rates.
Its Nice Post Yar Really Its Amazing Article For My Blog It Is Very Usefull Thanx For Your Article .
Blogging your Best helps to improve your PR in search engines. I fully agree with you.
Thanks for sharing the information
Good and amazing post.
This is completely true, just posting rubbish on your blog will be classed as spamy by Google and in this day and age you want to be keeping them sweet!
Blog crap – appalling!! Nine danka!
Your blog, on the otherhand, has no blog-crap-scent at all. Always enjoy your posts. Thank you. :))
Thanks for share with us. Really i believe what you say above
Hi Nile, very enjoyed to read your post and i am 1000% agree with you on writing the best post.
i totally agree with you instead of writing too much unnecessary post one should focus on quality post as a beginner .. seriously writing a lot without quality content is a waste of time …. great post
hello nile
i am loving your posts. yes we should always blog our best because the quality will be maintained by doing this otherwise you will see the quality of post will decrease
yeah..very agreed with this. Some pupils are very lazy. They just copy and paste other’s article. Same with me..huhu..But actually i have a vision to do my own writing, but how can do this?my english grammar and writing was so bad. Sure no one interested to read mine..huhu
Sorry..for above mistake:
sorry again
I agree with you 95% ! What do I mean by that? Well, what I mean is that Sarah is bringing out some excellent points as well. Doing your best should also apply to everything that you do in life. Quality will always help you out online.
Yes, if we want to get a huge response from our blog we have to trying our best.
Thanks for sharing the information. All their posts ensure a level of consistency and a definite direction that’s optimized for a great read
You cannot get the best if you don’t give out your best. That is a policy of life including blogging…
Yes, this is the thing which we must always follow while writing post on the blog, having less is no reason or excuse for giving low quality article!
I believe that it’s best to produce a blog on a weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly basis than continuously put out content that is not valuable to its readers. The whole point of blogging is to create unique content that creates a sense of community and builds a recurrent audience. I and most others don’t like to be inundated with “new” all of the time. I’d much rather read one great piece of work monthly than a bunch of useless posts because someone is trying to fill their site up with content.
got recently in such troiuble . in google analytics saw pages like suwwa.com/articelxyz############# while upto article address was correct but other characters were used behind article title and it was opening directly the dashboar acces. beware guys there are really few who want to distroy ur blogs.
dear i am totally agree with you. Blogging is putting your best foot forward because it entails online reputation and credibility. You have to create and publish unique articles that will surely catch the attention of target audience yes its true
i fully agree with you instead of writing too much post one should focus on quality post as a starter.. . great post
Hi Nile ,
Very nice post , Writing should be the passion of bloggers. If you are passionate about your work then response will be best.Thanks for sharing wonderful article.
Niles I have read that suggestion more than once and really was surprised. I try so hard to learn how to write a good post can’t imagine settling in to just posting crap.
Nile, I think you are right. I am a blogger and I should blog my best. I like your a talk that we should not take decision from the new blogger. We should take suggestions from at least two years experienced blogger. From your article I can know one more thing that we should give more emphasize to the quality of the contents, not to the quantity of the contents.
Hello Nile
I think if someone have passion for blogging,He/she must be careful for the quality of content.This is all about the respect in this cyber world.One should always try foe giving his best to the readers.Thats the reason why he is in the blogosphere.Nice and very motivational post./Thanks for it.
Hello Niles,
this is the thing which we mustalways follow while writing post on the blog,we have to give our best.
Thanks! 🙂
Well that is an awesome article.I agree with this article. Doing your best should also apply to everything that you do in life.
I think blogging at your best needs lots of creativity and sometimes patience too. If I try to blog when I am not in blogging mood I am not at my best at all.
Love Love Love the graphic – This is a message that needs to be tattooed on every blogger’s forehead.
If someone tattooed the words on someone’s forehead, I would wonder how drunk they were. lol
Hi Niles, blogging crap is what my nightmares are made of … LOL ! It is the old adage in a different context if you don’t have anything to add/good to say then say nothing at all…I know folk say you should show up to write but blogging is your shop front – so keep it engaging, relevant and for goodness sake interesting! Great advice!
I totally agree with you. I’d rather have no new content added in a while than posting crap everyday. It’s a waste of time for both blogger and reader.
Very nice post , Writing should be the passion of bloggers. If you are passionate about your work then response will be best. 🙂
Hi Nile ,
Very nice post. Just posting crap on your blog may make Google consider it as spammy and hurt you in the long run.
I’ve followed the “what’s hot” bandwagon far too many times not to agree with you. It is much better to become an authority on what you know than trying to follow what is hot at the time. Be the best at what you are good at, maybe take on a project or two, but keep your focus. Am I right? Thanks Anyway.
Great post Nile. Some story telling are good for a blog at any field. But writing the best for reader will not only increase the traffic but also increase the ranking of your blog. 🙂
Excellent information. Blogs have a lot of power and your suggestions are great tools for maximizing that power.
Yes we should always blog our best. We should write for our audience. Writing for many is not always a good idea.
Blogging is new for me. And I am learning from other blogs like this one. I agree with your points that always blog your best. I will try to implement this.
I know my quality of blog goes up and down! That sad, I agree totally with you. Junk for the sake of having something out there does not make sense! We are letting people know us through our communications. What does it say about the person they are getting to know when they read blah, blah, blah. . . . 🙂
Hi Nile,
Very true; blogging is all about sharing what you know with other’s… just copy pasting should not be the aim of a blogger (if he is to be called as a blogger).. For newbie that is the the thing of utmost importance, because the habit grows on… and it is good if you are on the constructive side of that. Thank’s for sharing. Its is valuable for me as, i am a newbie 🙂
Hey Nile,
Nice post and Thanks for sharing this post with us. Yes, we should try to write our best and I think for this we must have to read other blog as it helps us to how to write and helps in improving our writing skill. We have to just write quality content and have to update our blog regularly.
This is so true! Quality over quantity and you had me at “don’t blog crap”.
Main thing while preparing the blog we should consider that they must consider the content which they are going to mentioned in the blog and also the high volume of targeted traffic.
The biggest mistake I see with new bloggers is this: they forget that content truly is king. If you’re not building content that’s valuable to people, then you’re not going to get any amount of good traffic. Never forget that.
Quality, Quality Quality. you just can’t stress it enough. If you need to take a time off to create the best contents, you should do this.
“Blogging crap” is seriously not good for any blogger it deteriorate the blogs reputation. Also blogging wants consistency,hard work & efforts.If any body follow these three POINTS surely no one can stop him from his success.It is applicable in all fields.
Thanks Nice share.
SEO is one of the way to become populer. How popular is, how good seo is, but all will be back on the mainstream of blogging. And the mainstream is sharing to others. So, a quality content still the king of our blog.
Amazing tips you have mention here. For blogging its necessary that your content should be quality and informative content. If your content fulfills clients requirements then no one can beats you. Quality is very important rather than quantity.
Quantity is not important clarity and quality is very important … Nile you made this very clear …Nice…
You need to do your best to be able to shine in the mass of the webblog on the internet. Remember that ballance between quallity and quantity of post is essential for well being of your blog.
I agree with you 100%. Crap has no place in my blog.
I’ve been told I am an “excellent writer”, but I don’t write quickly. If anything, I take TOO MUCH care in what I write, so that each post DOES take a lot of time. Time that includes finding the right graphic, putting in hyperlinks, and gearing what I write to my particular audience. Maybe, in order to get out of perfectionist mode, what I should do is write down quickly what comes to mind, then spend a little time rewriting it. It would still be good stuff, but perhaps wouldn’t take so long.
Nile thank you for this wonderful article. I agree with this article 100%. When I started my blogging career I was advice to go for profitable niches and after trying some out I discover I didn’t have passion for what I was doing. I later decided to blog on my passion which is doing business and I thank God now because am progressing.
What’s Happening i’m new to this, I stumbled upon
this I’ve discovered It positively helpful and it has helped me out loads. I am hoping to give a contribution and aid different customers like its helped me. Good job.
Hi Nile,
I think creating quality content on your blog will make the difference between a successful blog or a failed blog. It is important regardless if you are a newbie or a seasoned blogger. I realize it is more difficult to get traffic when starting, but I agree that a beginning blogger needs to get in the habit of creating quality posts from the beginning rather than struggling to fulfill a frequency schedule. A blogger who is passionate about his/her niche will most likely create higher quality content, so the first step to a future healthy blog that will have a long life is to choose your passion and the rest will fall into place. Blog your BEST!
Raena Lynn
I do agree. Blog is not only spare time activity, but it also great place to share our knowledge. So, keep on our field. Thanks dude…
Hi Nile,
I can’t believe newbie are being taught to blog crap ! I agree with you that if any guru is teaching new blogger to post for quantity rather than quality, then, he/she will be the last person I will be following. I believe newbie has not been made known the purpose of using a blog for the business.
Thank you for sharing all the great posts on your blog. I will come back to read more, Nile 🙂
Cheers ! 🙂
Hi Pearly! I was angry to see people saying that it was okay to do such a thing. Then I realized… wait… these are newbies and they are probably with other newbies trying to gain traffic, but in the wrong manner.
Thank god i found this blog. Don’t stop informing people.
We Always try to create Content that Is beneficial to the Readers so that they can Acquire good knowledge without putting their Head Deep into the Matter.
Nile, your right with giving readers usable content and most important something that will have interaction Without our readers getting involved we are not doing our best.
I found that by allowing myself to read others articles during the week. Will give me and idea on what is the topic most are wanting more insight.
You are one of our amazing producers of great content. Thank you for keeping us on our toes.
thanks for the advice, i usually find myself blogging while im tired or rushed
Totally agree with all of these points – it should be mandatory reading for every would-be guest poster.
I do 100% agree with you. The blog should be useful to the readers. If the blog is full of junk, it is destined to fail in distant future.
The informations are so lovely and so usefull so thank you very much. Be sure i will use all of them keeping in my mind.Have a goog luck.
I Agree with you Nile,
I always blog my best!. You don’t need to worry so much about the quantity of articles you produce as long as you have the quality. Every blogger reaches their own success in their own way
i agree with you…
Great Job..
Thak you
Absolutely, always blog one’s best and as frequently as possible without sacrificing quality. That said, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure…one really excellent writer’s version of crap might be the very best for another.
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Some genuinely good articles on this site, thank you for contribution.
Nice post and Thanks for sharing this post with us. I have no idea about this thing but after reading this post I learned lots of good things and surely gonna apply these points on my blog
Tat’s right… At the beginning do not expect quality, but the content should be relevant and meaningful…
Hello Nile…..I absolutely agree….I was blogging on a different site before I had a mentor to help…..I would write something and post it and then I would post it on some social media and told family and co workers…..I got a few comments, mostly from family members ……..Then I started having people that never commented on the blog would see me at work or at some other gathering and they would verbally comment to me ….I was shocked at how many people read but didn’t comment on the blog itself…..When I started with a mentor, he had me get involved with a blog syndicating community….and start a new blog….it has steadily grown ever since…….I may not write the best about anything ….but I write the best I can every time……..Thanks Nile…….Smokey
great advice,i need to improve my blog,i need as much tips as i can for my blog,i want to try and get a lot more free traffic,i must be doing something wrong.
yes, you are right.i also agree with you.I think all should read this post.
I hope you don’t stop writing, there is some rich info out there.
Hey Nile,
Love coming here. Your blog has a great theme, layout, interesting ideas .. wonderful. Have you finished with school? And how is your son? I read your “About” page to get to know you more. Nice knowing more about you. I suspect you’ll have a great career in marketing and webdesign… Sending you lots of success!
I am not done with my business degree. It is taking a while to get done. Thankfully it is at my own pace.
I really am doing this more for the paper, as I already do everything that is required… but not everyone goes by experience alone, especially if I wanted to team up with a firm or company.
your article made me wonder… I wonder what do you mean by saying “Don’t Blog Crap” I wish you could explain what that “crap” is…
You know I am new at this blogging and I write about what come up in mind when I start writing… is this what you call “crap”… I hope not 🙂
Not certain you read and reply your comments. but I wish you do read this and share with me and perhaps others what is in your terms what you call “crap”… and if you do, it will be very helpful from me writing anything that resemble “crap”.
Thanks so much as always, for making life interesting 🙂
Hi Nick!
When I say crap in regards to people blogging crap, I do not mean it in a literal sense. I mean when someone’s content is not well written, has no value, and overall, really is not worth reading.
This is so true. Successful bloggers always post about 2-3 articles per week, and they only post high quality articles.
Hi nile,
Nice article for starters! As they need this type of tips in order to avoid crap things to do it in.Awesome mate.
I’d like the title that always my blog is best 🙂
Quality content is by far the most important part of any blog. I would rather have 1 page of great content people find interesting than 50 pages of boring writing. The latter would just cause visitors to hit the back button straight away.
Obviously if we right what we are good then it would be easy to read for every reader and they trust our content.This is the reason most of the bloggers get success.
Wow, superb weblog layout! How lengthy have you been blogging for? you produced blogging appear simple. The overall appear of one’s web site is great, allow alone the content!. Thanks For the post about ….
some genuinely howling work on behalf of the owner of this website, dead outstanding subject materials ….
Interesting entry, you point some useful facts here.
I agree with you. This post is truly inspiring. I like your post and everything you share with us is current and very informative.
I know that we need to put effort on each post. But the thing is that I can’t alway have new thing to say everyday 🙁
It’s disappointing that someone would give such advice, good job you were there to set them straight Niles. It’s not worth having a blog if you’re going to post rubbish, far better to spend your time elsewhere. We should all be making a quality contribution to what’s on the internet.
write original post can be best blogger
Hey Nile,
True it’s all about quality not just a ton of worthless articles on your blog. I see this time and time again. To this day it still drives me up the wall when I see someone with a generic WordPress template and tons of articles which just link out to other sites. Then they want to know why they don’t ever make any money.
Its mostly because they didn’t learn right or they did, and want to push their limit. It certainly shows and I nearly want to laugh because they are crying about losing rank or traffic, or both.
I agree with this amazing post. Blogging is not for lazy persons. We should always passionate about blogging. Blogging is not so easy task but our passion can make it easy to do.
Chetan Gupta
I agree – it’s easy to blog crap and then hope your readers will discriminate between the trash posted to keep fresh content flowing and quality content that will make them come back. I run a hobby blog in addition to my professional website and I’ll admit that I went through a spell of posting trash on my hobby blog just to keep it appearing updated. In retrospect I probably lost a lot of good readers that way even though my visits continued to increase.
I totally agree with you. You summed up the blogging very well, blogging is about bringing quality ( 100% original) to the visitors. I hope everyone will know that and write their best on their blogs.
By the way, i guess search engines like Google has filters that detect the quality and authenticity of a blog post. If that’s the case, writing crap in a blog is totally nonsense.
Blogging crap will only drive away traffic from your site. It is always the best to write what our readers want.
Totally agree with you. But I have a question, does really google bother about the quality of the blog/comment or looks at the quality of the site? The blogs are used as another form of online classifieds to promote the sites because that is the way to promote it. For consistent quality content, it takes time, and I think that is what people dont have now in days 🙂
Google does weigh in social engagement with content. It is not as high as the post itself. I don’t allow people to use Keywords in their name, and I often edit out links I feel are spam or might be harmful to my site.
Agreed. Good blogging is hard to come by and it’s so important not to blog hot air. You can lose authenticity and your audience. Thanks for writing about this!
Can’t agree more with this article. Actually, blog is not spamming but sharing information. Almost bloggers run a blog because of their indulgence and this is a reason that they have to to their best. If you don’t wanna be a loser, do the best what you choose.
Very nice article. Keep sharing!
It depends on what do you call a blog. With Google throwing ads on almost any thing with 5 pages on it, Internet has become such a waste that I search on Google and go to the third page to find people who should genuinely be on the first page. First 10-20 results are now reserved for spammers. It sucks but it is true.
This is not always true, Mukesh. Google only allows a specific number and those are ads spots. They have nothing to do with rank.
Hi Mukesh! What do you call a blog?
If it is a 5 page site, it’s not a blog.
Nice post, it’s definitely true. Quality over quantity any day!
Hell Nile
you said correct not only creating blog and posting some copy content in blog is not correct to gain traffic and popularity should maintain uniqueness in content is very important and that too related to blog… after the penguin update all the sites which are having duplicate content and duplicate content related back links are penalizing by Google so to maintain unique and related content in site and in every site related posts are important.
I see a lot of people complaining about losing traffic or their search power… and it deviates from the fact that they failed to create unique and quality content.
Thanks! Been blogging now for 11 months. The articles that I find do best are the ones that are about jobs or How To Guides. You defiantly need quality posts, but I think it is important you also have quantity, reason be is Google will rank you better with 300+ words. Great work! Keep it up!
You don’t always have to have 300+ words in an article. You can have a video or an image and words that describe the image. In fact, if you build a whole series of related material to that short post, it works just as great or even better than a post with 300+ words. Don’t get caught up in the word count all the time.
Exactly who would want to write crap and get a bad reputation?!?! I completely agree with you 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Ben! Definitely glad to know you agree.
If you will blog about your passion, then you will get best results out of it. I’m I rite?
You definitely can get somewhere when you are passionate about blogging it, but that passion has to extend in also learning everything and applying it.
Agree about the quality blogging, when you blog without any quality its just only driving away your site to the costumers. And it most important to blog with knowing the google updates.
this is why choosing a right niche about which we have passion is important in blogging. we will only produce crap if we chosen a topic for money not according to our passion and knowledge.
Hi Nile,
Geez.. Cant believe somebody would say just to post crap.. Lol If i was to go to somebody’s site where it was obvious they were writing whatever to fill space i would definitely not be going back there.. That’s just like a store filling there shelves with half empty jars to give the illusion of actually having anything useful.. Haha
Kindest Regards, Jessica.
I completely agree with your article, it really does matter what you blog about, if it’s nothing of significance then there’s no point. You need to be interesting for others to engage with you.
Great Post miss Nile , I so know what the real meaning of blogging.
Nice post. I also believe in quality. If we maintain the best quality then we will definitely get the best results.
We all want best blog. Every post of our blog would be best. I really like your tips about blog.
“Nile” you are right quality is most important than quantity. There are lots of people who think that only figure of posting is important and quality is not important. These kinds of bloggers are not successful in blogging therefore i am completely agree with you that “always blog your best” because it is the key of success.
Hi Nile,
You are totally right, the idea of writing regualer posts doesn’t mean that you should write crap content if you don’t have any quality thing to say, no body will love to read crap content and surely if their eye hit a crap content their is a big chance they not come back again. You said it very well it’s a blind leading the blind.
Great article Nile! Now I don’t feel so bad about taking over 3 hours to do a blog post. To tell you the truth I’ve done both crummy blog posts and high quality blog posts and I’ve discovered that quality ALWAYS trumps quantity.
Good blog posts have weight… They have substance and personality. Good blog posts Attract people. They draw people in. Even more than that I’ve found that good content brings drives good traffic.
Crummy posts on the other hand work in a sense but rarely do they capture the imagination of the reader. As a blogger I feel that it’s my duty to teach, entertain, and inspire.
Keep up the good work Nile!
-Eric Out-
Nile, immediately I launched my blog, I made the resolution that its the best or nothing! When I blog, I make sure that my content is greater than all the pro bloggers combined! There is no way to be seen as an authority apart from that! I may not post for 10 days running, but be sure that when I do, the content would be the best in the world. Thanks for reminding us all!
That is definitely a good plan, except, I’d recommend more than 1 article every ten days. Even I can produce a quality article nearly 1 to 2 a day and I’ve been at this for 12 years.
I am totally agreed with what you have mention here. Yes, just blog on our own way! Because if we are passionate on what we a writing, people or reader will like it!.
It’s really unfortunate that many bloggers don’t “get it”. It’s better to have 1 great post per week or per month than to have 10 crappy posts per day. A lot of it is fueled by the myth that “Google loves fresh content.”
All having fresh content does is that it gets Google and the other search engines to crawl your site more frequently. Search engine crawlers seek to be efficient. If they crawl your site once per month and don’t find new content, they are going to continue to crawl it infrequently. But if they come back in a month and find 100 new pages, they might return in 2 weeks instead of a month next time. If the return in 2 weeks and find 50 new pages then they will likely return in a week or so. They continue to adjust your sites crawl frequency until they strike a balance between their crawl rate and your site’s content generation rate. Unfortunately, most don’t understand this.
Who wants to have to dig through tons of crappy posts to maybe find an occasional nugget of information? To have a successful blog you need to create a following. To create a following you have to provide great posts and engage visitors in conversation. Otherwise, you’re wasting time.
nice tips. crap can bring huge traffic but still quality content worth more. i always prefer to post quality content. thanks a lot for sharing such a informative post
As of now I’m taking somewhere around 12 hours to put together my posts which are usually 4-5,000 + words post. So I guess I’m kind of a snob when it comes to this “Quality over Quantity” discussion.
I’m so picky, anal, and hard on myself that I’ve never released more than one post a day.
What I really want to do is finally after 5 years bring someone on board to serve as an editor/writing coach that can help me sharpen my content and bring some variety into my work because as of now, I’m only comfortable writing big beast posts.
I’d love to have the flexibility to rock a solid and complete 2,000 word post.
Thank you Nile for reminding me of such a important evolution to make in my writing. 🙂
The great thing about writing long posts, especially if you are using WordPress, is that you can either: 1) paginate your post or 2) break that huge post into a several post series.
I am pretty sure if you are writing 5000 words, you are covering A LOT of ground… even as much as a mini ebook. Rather than put that big puppy in one post, break it up some. It goes well for conversions, especially if it is a series that you can have an opening post that you can go back to in order to update to add each post link to the series.
Just a thought… its works with many of my clients throughout the years.
hi thanks for this post They have substance and personality. Good blog posts Attract people
If you are Good writer and you know this. It is really bad news for blog owners. Because a person know what he has strength then this lead to increase the writing cost and It is really bad for blog owners.
Its true that If you have worth and quality to write too much on a topic. There is not limit about blog. But keep in mind it must be interesting and information. then you have worth. If you are writing too much on a topic and your ready are failed to read it or understand it. It is really bad news for you. Because It will effect on your Goodwill.
Good point, Nile! Internet abounds with crap. I wish there would be some filter that won’t allow people post crappy useless articles.
Totally agree with this! However, it’s easy to run out of ideas what to blog about.
One way I found to find ideas is to look at forums. What are people talking about, what are there problems, etc. Then blog about solutions to there problems. You can do this in any market and it really does help get extra traffic.
It’s actually a cool and helpful piece of information. I am glad that you just shared this helpful information with us.