There are millions of websites, some of them are in your own niche. It’s takes a lot to be a be unique and some people give up because they are not sure why they are not getting the traffic they desire. Your ability of being unique with your online business is something that is important, in blogging, in business, and in life.
You’ve got to have a drive and confident to flex your knowledge when people are looking for it… so that means you need to be a bit outgoing even if you engage with others about your business solely online
The Importance of Being Unique With Your Online Business
A lot of problems can be solved if you can pinpoint the areas where you are failing in your business. However, in branding, there are some specific that you should carefully think about and answer. The following are some questions to ponder:
- Are you having trouble getting traffic?
- Are you having trouble coming up with your own content?
- Are you having problems with trying to come out on top of your niche?
- Are people not really connecting with you, or having trouble understanding you?
- Are you feeling uncomfortable reaching out to other people?
These problems stem from several issues. With your online business, your website is your business card. It tells people what you know, what you are offering, who you want to engage with, and what you want them to do.
Many times, your goal is the same as the next in your niche. So, how do you become unique?
Uniquely Branding Your Website
Your Site
You’ve seen a lot of sites in your niche and probably have noted a pattern of how they are designed. You may have even adopted some of those design elements and functionalities on your site. You might even look like them. STOP!
You might not have the ability to create graphics or handle designing a web paged, but you can control this. There are services out there with freelancer sites and even designers that offer small packages that are affordable.
I will let you in on something. I have designed for several clients, and 2 in particular have made thousands of dollars from ads they put up from sponsors and even have been given cars… in 2012! Their investment for a single site was $500. Wow, $30,000+ return on investment for only spending $500 for work that probably should have been charged $2000. That is fantastic for them! You are able to do that too with all the resources available out there for you.
If you have a creative flair for design and can handle creating pages, break out of your normal creativity and challenge yourself. Your creativity might be limited to your ability, but you certainly can suck up the pride to invest a bit.
Your Social Network Handles
Uniquely branding yourself on social networks is important. Believe me, between my personal profile and my professional fan page, they are worlds apart when it comes to content. Some people follow me on both because they know me and are comfortable with my opinions and lifestyle. Others follow just my professional fan page because they want the meat and potatoes, and no nonsense. That is fine. On a side note: Don’t make your personal profile and professional one too out of whack. There has to be some consistency.
You have to make that decision on how much information you want people to receive about you, and how you will act in front of them. You don’t have to have some cute slogan like I do that says Helping You Rock Your Site Out Like A Rockstar!”
You control who you are. Do not let someone else do it unless you are not that great in putting words together. However, if you do find assistance like a copy writer or a brand coach, make sure you are in the thought process. Don’t let them have all the control or your brand will be more about them than you.
Uniquely Creating Content
No matter what niche you are in, your content “is what brings all the boys to the yard.” If you are purely selling, people are going to leave. You have nothing for them to take away except knowing that you are selling something. If you have the same exact content as the next Joe or Jane in your niche, they are going to go to the one they connect with and trust.
Most people have an inkling that if you have a website, you are doing something with it. It could be just wanting them to read your site, subscribe to a newsletter, download cool graphics, or buy something. The point is: you want them to do something, but you don’t want to spam them or sound hokey trying to blog and put in some affiliate link in almost every blog post.
The problem is that your content is not getting any bites because you have been stuck within your niche trying to keep up with others. STOP IT! Your job is not to keep up with them, but to do better than them.
It might mean posting some articles that do not have any promotional content for the sheer reason as to flex your knowledge and gain more authority. Excessive promotional content is just as bad as overly stocking your site with banner or text link advertisements. It is spam and a big turn off. It is hard to get people to engage with you if you are always selling because they believe you are not interested in them at all.
You might actually have to spend time engaging with people on social network sites and knowing them.
Your content does not have to be the same as your leaders in your niche. You are an individual and may have your own angle on your niche that you may have learned from somewhere else that works well. Hey, it might actually work for someone else too! You could literally write an article that has the same title as a leader in your niche and actually end up being unique.
I will tell you a secret. I am well known for taking a title, not reading an article, and writing my own post. That is because I know my stuff enough to put my own input in and spin it many times over without having to use a program to do it. You can do that too! For example, there are many people who write tutorials. Some are just a mumbo jumbo. And others that are on that same subject are just right.
Summary: The Importance of Being Unique With Your Online Business
The importance of being unique with your online business or blog is what makes and breaks people. I am pretty sure you have read many ebooks and articles, but I know you are still doing it wrong because I visit your sites or see you on the social networks. You share and talk the talk, but are not yet walking the walk.
What are you doing to improve your brand? After reading this article, do you already have some ideas brewing for new content? Are you still stuck with questions about branding or content creation?
thanks for sharing,,,keep it up
When you know who you are, you’re unique. Sure, everyone else can do the same as what you do but few people (if any) have the same experiences and influence that you can bring to a business online. All you have to do is show people and that can be the hardest part.
Being unique is something that people should apply in all areas of their lives, not only business. When it comes to online business, it is very important to be unique. There is a difference between being inspired by someone in your niche and copying the exact same things that they are doing.
The key is to get ideas and twist them into your own to create your own touch. That is what uniqueness is all about, and that is why people will choose to come to you rather than go to someone else.
Thanks for sharing this post!
Unique and quality content is the way to go as these 2 things will get you popularity and recognition in the long run. Thanks for the post.
Hi Nile,
You’re so right, It’s important to be unique and original. Don’t fake your business to gain more growth as in short it gives you huge benefits but later on it can hammer your reputation.
Nile, if we all just be ourselves and share your experiences in a exciting way. Everything, you find helpful for your readers. No pitching stuff. Really opening up your core passion. All will be unique and make is fun with much excitement to read.
Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your support!
I had to return. I gave it allot of thought and read many blogs. They, have the same issue of gaining and retaining readers.
May I suggest, that if we give usable information. Tips, and such alike. Getting into helping others and sharing things that will enhance their learning and growth. That will grow your readers and retain them.
Thanks again for an insightful share!
Hello Nile, Wow this is the second article I read about this subject tonight, pehaps it is time to take a deep look within.
We all are unique in our own way but sometime it is just not as easy as it seems to bring it out and share with others.
Thanks for sharing .. Have A Great Thanksgiving My Friend!! Chery :))
Hi Nile,
Uniqueness is important for any types business and its an important fact to get success in online business. Creating and sharing unique content always create positive impact in online business.
Hi Nile, Just trying to establish by unique theme store to sell wallpaper wordpress themes but there is a lots of pressure and everytime user want a new feature to be introduced. The most crucial part of being unique is, We are not able to decide the price of our product. Could you help us to decide the perfect price of our wallpaper WordPress themes.Waiting for your kind attention
Absolutely. We have to be our authentic, unique selves in our businesses. It’s the foundation, in my opinion. From our uniqueness flows our branding, our content and how it’s presented, our marketing, our offerings . . . everything.
Hi Nile,
We are all unique! The problem is if we do not step up to the plate and share that, we won’t stand out from the crowd. We have to know ourselves first, then write our content in our own words. We cannot have the mindset of “who is going to like it?” Just give it our own spin.
Then we need to get out there on social media and tell it like it is from our heart. We start connecting with others, we can learn from others, etc.
As long as we are being ourselves, we will stand out from the crowd!
Thanks so much for bringing out this point!
Nile, You are so right about being unique with your online business. If you are true to yourself and your vision for your business and express it in your own unique way you will be able to build a business that is truly authentic and appealing to your audience. Sometimes this can be difficult if you have not discovered your own voice and how to express it on your site and social media. Once you figure this out you can truly shine!
Hi Nile,
I am a regular post reader of your blog and you are writing and sharing good information, and I ma implementing these nice tips on my sites. thanks again.
Thank You for Sharing
What! No cookie cutter websites?? 🙂 I was part of a group that taught us how to find people to talk to, mentor, and potentially lead into our business. It would have been easy for us all to have similar blogs, but then not only would our readers yawn, but that’s no good for SEO. Thinking of our readers and their needs first, then sharing what we have to offer within that context will go far in helping us to develop our unique approach.
Totally excellent advice Nile!
There is no question that being unique and knowing how to express it are two different things! And as you mentioned far too many online of of the copycat marketing variety!
For whatever reasons they have yet to discover how to actually present their very own totally unique perspectives and insights etc.
Thanks for making us aware of why being able to articulate our unique talent i so vitally important to our long term success!
Great post, branding your website is key which includes having a great design and function.
Branding is very important because it is related to people trust. I usually build my brand name using social media. It is very powerful way. Great Posting. Thanks
if your website is unique in term of design and content means your website is spam free i am agree with you.
Branding is the most fascinating side of business – regardless of industry. Building a brand takes a lifetime – this is what can be called ‘someone’s baby’ because it is like a baby: with personality and moods and growth pains. It takes so much care and love and passion to create a memorable brand, as it takes to change your child in a great human being.
Hi Nile,
Thank you very much for sharing this post. Its a unique post on how to unique our online business. The post is very helpful. I must try it out…..