Yes, another blog in The Art of Blogging series. This covers the subject that I see quite frequently when I visit and read other blogs. It is when the blogger says that nobody or everybody is doing something. For example:
“Nobody likes that girl. Everybody thinks that we are fun.”
These are both false statements. If it were nobody or everybody, then we probably would not have arguments or an opinion on an individual level. It would be like the Borg on Star Trek who are of a collective mind.
Sometimes when there are a handful of people that agree or disagree, it is to be called a few or you can mention the exact number. In serious topics that involve facts and statistics, the art of being a megalomaniac has no room or business to come into play. In fact, even a rant about you and your friends versus another person should not say “everybody” because that is false. Instead, “my friends” should have been used.
Besides blogging, this tip can be used in regular everyday conversation. It makes you less abrasive and more intelligent when you are not including everyone in your opinion. In including them, you are attaching their name and thoughts to your own, and frankly, that is a bit presumptuous. It is also close-minded. Of course, your friends mean the world to you and perhaps they agree, but in the end, when it comes down to it, not everything is “all or nothing.”
Thanks for posting this. I couldn’t agree more. I find myself using “everyone” and “always” and words that are extreme like that. You’re right that it ruins your credibility. Thanks for sharing!
I guess all I can really say in agreement with this post (thank you for putting it together for us) is:
“All generalizations are false”
Blogging is not easy and should be considered and art. Thanks for sharing. In addition, be sure to check out my new post on the cost saving vistacost vitamin website. Read my article at:
I agree, thanks for the post. There is no science to blogging and every audience is different.
I agree with the Michael’s view, what say Nile?
What a well informative post this is about blogging with write without being a megalomaniac!!! I am a beginner about your article. So, This post is so helpful to me I think also people too. I like your art of blogging because its importance. Thanks.
i will have to say that blogging is a art and you have to sometimes work at it and then make it work for you.
Thanks for the post Nile.
Thanks for the tips Nile, its my first time to hear megalomaniac. Didn’t know about it until I read this post.
Hi Nile, people do tend to generalize a lot, in real life and online. I guess some believe that they sound like the authority on the issue if they say “everybody” or “nobody”, whereas if they would say “a few” or “some” it wouldn’t be that interesting.
Hi Nile– Good blog post, and it is true that you ruin your credibility by using absolutes, After all, Nobody likes a know-it-all.
I understand why bloggers shy away from “weasel words” like a few or some–but going to the other extreme is bad practice, too. Better to use words like many or infrequent, etc. instead of all or none, don’ t you think?
Often, it is just a matter of reading over with an objective eye what you have written.
I really like this message Niles. The expert who proclaims you must do this or you will fail miserably is guaranteed one and only one response from me, I’ll never return to that site.
I must totally agree with Marquita when she says that she will never return to that site.
If someone tells me that I must do something or else I will fail, It is a big red flag for me to “delete” that person from my life.
I don’t do very well with negativity.
Thanks for posting this.
The fundamental issue with this: people are more easily attracted to something that is well liked by other people. That’s why I prefer to use the word ‘always’, ‘most’, and ‘everyone’.
Even so, thanks for sharing in your posts
I agree with your opinion, but there are cases when we deliberately look persons with self-confidence, having charisma and expertise and want to hear from them things beyond any doubt. From my point of view, it’s all about the perspective.
I am totally agree with your opinion. However sometimes we use to assume on something or generalization on something.
Some of them may be the effect from news from TV or newspapers which are more than 50% are not accurate. Especially news about other countries.
When you go to visit those countries, they are not bad at all as what have been mentioned on newspapers and magazine.
Blogging is not easy and should be considered and art. Thanks for sharing. In addition, be sure to check out my new post on the cost saving vistacost vitamin website. Read my article at:
Hi Nile,
Thanks for bringing this up. You make a great point about being careful about the way we use our words and including “everybody” in our opinions. This post will help me take a second look before hitting the publish button.
I am not aware of any particular post you are talking about, but I would shy away from that type of negativity. I agree with Donna.
Thanks Nile!
Raena Lynn
Nile, great point to make and one I will give thought at times when I am writing about my own experiences. The good thing is I open the floor for others to share their insights on each topic.
It is about sharing your passion and expressing it in a way that should not hurt too many peoples’ feelings. If you keep it real and remain transparent I believe let it flow as natural as can be.
Nile, I feel that teaching awareness popping our here? I do love your style and will keep my eye on me expressing myself this time. Thanks for keeping us aware.
Generalizations are never a good idea! It puts words in people’s mouthes.
Next time I blog, I promise not to include the whole world in my opinion.
your opinion is the best Robert i really like your website.
I have to be careful myself not to generalize. I find that when I write quickly I do what you mention. When I go back and revise however, I can usually see the mistake. Lesson learned: take your time commenting!
It’s nice to be reminded of this every once in a while as I’m probably guilty of it in regular conversation with close family or friends, and not so much, in a blogging sense.
But I read a few of your articles just now and I’ll definitely be coming back.
nile you used Megalomaniac a very different word i understand it after read your article and blogging is a art a person who gain this art no one beat him thanks for sharing.
Hi Nile:
In my house we have made words like “always”, “never”, “everybody and “nobody” swear words because as you stated these words do not accurately portray the situation. We need to learn to present ourselves in truthful ways. This applies to all aspects of communication.
I think blogging is a passion and hobby. For blogging it is very essential to do your own research and write your own contents. Read a lot and do a lot of brain storming before writing killer contents. People will visit your blog to read new contents.
Yes I agree with you. People will be happy to return if there is new content in our blog. So keep the spirit, keep blogging
I think really not wise to using other people for what we feel, just like judging one thing that we already know will happen but in the same time we have nothing at all 🙂
I do blogging because I do like blogging. I provide content according to my interests and don’t care about what is more popular or more people are interested. In this way I get visitors I have more thing in common and that makes my life easier.
I think such language generally serves to distance yourself from the very people you are seeking to engage with i.e. your readers. An arrogance or ignorance such as this is not an attractive quality and is detrimental to the success of your blog,
more easily attracted to something that is well liked by other people. That’s why I prefer to use the word ‘always’, ‘most’, and ‘everyone’.
Even so, thanks for sharing in your posts
Me I like blogging not just for the sake of blogging. I like blogging because I want also people to know things that they never knew before. Its like you share your ideas. It really is a nice feeling to be able to share your ideas to lot’s of people.