I have stated many times that your blog is everything about yourself. It might not get into every aspect, but it should at least involve all you can muster to bring to the table that fulfills your site’s focus. However, I have found that people are not so sure on when to blog and how frequently they should blog.
Well, that can be determined on how much you known on the subject and how many ways you can present that idea to your visitors. Remember, not every visitor will read a blog, understand exactly what you are trying to say and then apply it. Big example for this subject are sites that contain tutorials. In fact, I have quite a few. I know that while some people might not understand mine, that they may get a better idea elsewhere. However, I am sure that the person will remember and suggest to their friends the many resources for particular tutorials because they want their friends to succeed too.
You can blog as many times as you want in a day’s time. In fact, if you feel comfortable, with blog platforms like WordPress, you can schedule your posts to be published and then have fun responding to your guests that comment.
There are no inappropriate times to blog. Remember, it is your blog and you can do what you wish. However, if you want to be successful, make sure those entries reflect your site’s message. Some people have several blogs for different purposes, and that is quite alright. Each blog adds up as a whole and no messages are crossed as each website sticks to its own focus.
Never be afraid that your blog entries are spam, unless you also publish a multitude of paid-to-review (paid to blog) entries. And above all, never feel like blogging is a chore. You should feel comfortable to blog at the pace you can handle. Some days you may write more than 3 entries and maybe some days you might write one post.
When do you blog? How many times a day? week? Do you have a set schedule? Have you ever used the scheduled posts attribute in WordPress?
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