For bloggers, it really can be a thrill to receive comments. However, there are people who go out of their way to become “comment whores.” A comment whore is one who is only out to gain comments and really does not contribute to the comment stream of their own site or others in a way to carry on the blog’s conversation.
A blog is not for people to agree with you, but to share ideas, learn, and possibly influence those readers who never really thought about what your blog topic entails. It kind of falls hand-in-hand with leaders and followers. You have to know how to be a follower in order to be a leader. So, in order to blog, you must also be able to leave comments.
This applies not just with your own site, but with others too. Never be afraid to go against another’s opinion, but do not expect others to change their mind and agree with you. It is presumptuous and overall, rude. Do not be afraid to return to a site and reply if the blog author responds. Think of it this way: despite the blog not being a forum, the blog offers the ability for others to respond, so it is kind of like a mini forum – a forum in most cases that you may not have to sign up to leave a comment depending on the author’s set comment preferences. That is why a lot of newspapers and online magazines are turning to blog platforms because it allows the two-way communication between the blogger and readers. It is an extension of the topic.
It is really an art to be able to write a blog and get feedback. Some bloggers write in a way that is not very welcoming and some forget to leave their topics open-ended to not inspire their readers to give feedback. Some places will carry on their conversations for days or weeks and it can be fascinating to read the different reactions.
Sometimes if another reader is interested in what you say on another person’s blog, you may find out that you have a new loyal reader for your own site. So, do not be afraid to comment or even subscribe to a blog’s rss feed.
Do you leave comments? What places online do you think give great articles that you keep coming back to leave feedback?
Comments are like mothers milk to bloggers. I am a bit unsure what "comment whore" means,though. I love to leave comments, am I a whore or just a comment junkie?
I love leaving comments, its one of the most enjoyable things about blogging. The love getting comments too but mostly so I can follow them back to their site so I can read what they have to day.
I like going to, its more of a guy’s magazine type blog but its more interesting than most of the blogs with girl’s topics in my opinion.
I do like to leave comments with others. My only annoyance is seeing ‘I like your layout,’ which is something that you should just send in the contact form or leave in a guestbook unless the post is on the site’s layout.
Thanks to rss feeds I’m able to spot and read my favourite blogs with out having to visit them all the time to see if they have written a new post. I do find I comment on some sites more then others because of how they react with their readers. IE do they come to your site and comment instead of just replying to what you said on their own site.
Every Friday Netchick.Net does a meet and greet where you visit the person who commented before you and leave them a comment on their latest blog post (well I try and relate to the post.. most don’t)
Yes definitely.. it makes it far more welcoming. I will have to check the site out that you listed. Sounds like something I can feature. I like to hear about sites that do that. 🙂
new comers of blogger gets idea of landing new and upcoming blog because future is for unique writers, who can write very unique concepts.
I could not agree more with you. I mean surely people can’t be so self absorbed that all they want to read and share all day is their own stuff.
Beautiful colours and artwork, I really like it.
Shane, it is more than just sharing, it is actually reaching out to others and sharing. Doing so makes a blog more dimensional and more successful- basic social media practice.
I love to leave comments when I can… one of the things on occasion I do on Twitter is reach out and tweet on my stream asking people to share their most recent blog post so I may drop by and read. It allows the person to promote their blog, and get any feedback. Also, I get to read something I do not normally see or may not have seen yet.
The Art of Blogging: Do Not Be Afraid To Leave Comments | is definitely a nicely put together blog. I dont think my website has much in common with yours, although I can (and have) learnt heaps from you, cheers, Emerson Stuart
Relevant comment does not harm the site but a lot of spam comments always harm the site for google ranking. So nofollow site is the safest way to decrease the spam commenting.
I do my best to leave a thoughtful comment when I do. I think it’s rude to promote yourself at the expense of another. I use a plugin to screen those kind of comments out so I can approve or delete them.
Commenting, as you say, should be considered a form of conversation, interaction. I am struggling at the moment as my favorite blog commenting tribe is undergoing some challenges and I fear may be on it’s last legs. So, commenting at new places now becomes an essential task.
I do leave comments quite a bit. At first it was just because “that’s what you were taught to do for SEO’ but then i started forming relationsips and now i have a group of about 30 bloggers which i comment on regularly every week. I have it capped out at that because that’s a lot for me on top of maintaining my blog and business and the kids and cooking.
But the relationships have paid off 20x because when i ask my network to promote something, they do it and i do it for them..
It’s the never ending quest of a blogger as to how to find their target audience who will also be engaging, Nile.
I do find it continually puzzling by the level of traffic as opposed to the level of commenters – it might be due in part by today’s ‘status update” mentality where 900 million of us are used to one liners and not being truly engaged.
Definitely agree on every blog owner should always add their own value and not just a simple ‘thanks’ – sometimes that is good thou to welcome a new user but you can always do more and ask a question, at least.
Behind every a comment there is a potential relationship that can be formed with a person. Conversations are the ultimate engagement value. At Engagio, we totally believe in this.
Yes, great point. Whenever I leave time, I used to leave the comments on good articles & try to communicate with the authors & other people through this. I use this to take more insights on particular subject through this.
I agree that a blog is not for people to agree with you and find that with blogging and in life in general, i learn the most about what i really think and feel, from people i disagree with. Their opinions are a challenge to your own and you must be willing to challenge your opinions against other people’s. This is how their ‘success’ is really judged.
I think of commenting as a way to start a conversation and build a relationship with a blogger. Just have to bear in mind that sometimes not everyone may agree with your views, and that is normal.
Hey i think commenting is very useful from sem point
This is full of information and exceedingly helpful. Commenting is a way of conversation between a blogger and a reader and helps in building a healthy relationship. Leaving a comment can help in improving the quality of the blog as well as a healthy way of sharing each others view on particular topics.
Hi Nile,
Yes – I do agree with you. Commenting on Blogs and other websites is a large part of not only increasing traffic to your blog or website – but to increase your authority within a social media community. Not to mention commenting on same niche sites – this is great for gathering and improving your own knowledge but for building the opportunity of new and loyal business connections as well – to webmasters and readers alike.
Just make sure when you comment that your profile is linked to your website and or other profiles (I’ve found Gravatar to work the best – and the option of adding an image to your comment is great for people to connect your image to a website and helps to create an better online image and easily recognizable presence.)
I am not afraid to leave comments in blogs that I read if I have something to contribute or add on it. 🙂
Blog is not for people to agree with you and find that with blogging and in life in general, i learn the most about what i really think and feel, from people i disagree with.
Hi Nile,
I’m New on your blog, Nice Blog! I really like the blogs that are related to Blogging. I also have a Blog! And I continuously work on it..! Anyway, a blogger should be never afraid of Comment. As Commenting is one of the great way to get exposure like Guest Posting.! Thanks for the Post Anyhow.
I always read on different blogs that Commenting on other blogs is a good way to get exposure for our blog. but just leaving irrelevant comment would not help anyone.
But ya Commenting is really a saver…..
Sometimes comments are even more important than articles and cause great conversations. Don’t be afraid to say your opinion!
Leaving your blogs open to discussion is very important. You want people to discuss/argue their opinions with others in the comment section. That’s one of the main reasons people blog, to get people talking with each other.
When you read a blog, it is not necessary to agree with whatever is written, while commenting, one has all the right to state what one feels. Commenting is a great way to build a conversation and to know others viewpoints. It is a great way to build relationship too.
Hi friends,
An apt article at the right time.
I have been posting comments on many blogs for many days now. I do it voluntarily and out of interest in the topics on which I comment. This practice is a beneficial in many ways. We get to learn about happening things, learn others views and opinions on the issues and also we can contribute as and when we feel like.This is a useful practice by all means
hello nile,
i am a regular visitor of blondish and i am really impressed with your writing style. thats why i leave comments and leaving comments is a great thing to do as it gives you confidence as well as it carries on the conversation which is i think the most important thing ,it builds relationship between the auther and the readers.
Hi Nile,
I must admit I’ve been less than adventurous with my commenting of late ….limiting my commenting to only two or three blogs.
However, what I am finding (and perhaps you can give me your opinion on this) is that it’s becoming harder to generate comments what with the proliferation of more and more blogs, social sites and information. Folks seem willing to share on social sites and are willing to stick around and read but many are not willing to comment.
Commenting on other blogs is the best way you can start a relationship with that blogger. You can do a simple thing – just try to be the first to comment on some of the posts on a particular blog, this will help that blogger to know you.. Then just find that author on social networks and try to introduce yourself with that blogger. Start sharing your ideas, your own views with that blogger.. Through this, the blogger will always welcome you and will always try to help you when you are in need..
Thing To Keep In Mind – Be what you really are.. Never show off or tell fake story in blogging world..!!!!
I love commenting I have a site in the health and fitness niche and everyone has a view on there health and fitness or the industry in general and it is always good to hear comments
I agree! Leaving sensible comments can help the blogger have either confirmation of what he wants to say or make him think and see other people’s perspective on the topic.
Leaving a good and sensible comment on any blog can help build relationship with not only the blogger but also helps in building relationship with other participants within the blog.
You go not only by blog topic but also quote on other comments.
In fact, whenever we are leaving a comment, we should not hesitate sharing other useful and thematic links.
Corporate Gifts for building and maintaining relationships within the organizations.
Hey Nile,
Anything discussed in front of you does produce a certain reaction in you as a thinking animal. But perhaps it was the fear of rejection, or of hurting someone else, or not gaining the due (in my opinion) attention, or mere laziness that has always prevented me from commenting even when I have a strong opinion.
Your article is good. I won’t say that it has thoroughly changed my outlook, yet I feel really comfortable commenting on your write-up. Keep writing good things.
Thank you!
I think there’s two kinds of blogging: having your own blog, or just reading blogs. For the latter, commenting is the only way to interact and participate, i.e. that’s their way to blog (yes, there’s social media too..). So, exactly: do not be afraid to leave comments; you’re contributing to the whole.
I never afraid to leave a comment and appreciate the author for taking time to write such a beautiful post. What say? I left a comment 😛
Wow! so nice informative post it is. I got so much information from this post. Good luck the admin! It is one of the great posts. i was in search of such kind of information since long. i am happy to find mine required information here.Please continue your struggle in this regard. Tnks the admin!
i made a mistake and used drupal for my site , now i can’t have comments and i know i am missing a lot
comments are a means of exccelence generate traffic and links.
Nowadays, I think it’s about how to deter people (read spammers) from leaving unrelated gibberish on blogs. To blog/website owners be very afraid of letting other people do the dirty work for you because it may end up just that “dirty”. Remember that they are carrying the name of your site/business. Do not be afraid to leave comments yourselves or work with someone reliable.
I would just like to get people to comment on my blog all together. But, I am a born debater, so I am usually the one to get the party started on someones blog. Respectfully of course. But, going against the grain is what I do. I am never one to always believe what I read… until I can prove or have it proven to me.
Commenting is a great way of interaction. Comments are very useful in building links . So don’t be afraid of comments .
Commenting on other blogs is the best way you can start a relationship with that blogger.
You can do a simple thing – just try to be the first to comment on some of the posts on a particular blog, this will help that blogger to know you..
Then just find that author on social networks and try to introduce yourself with that blogger. Start sharing your ideas, your own views with that blogger.. Through this, the blogger will always welcome you and will always try to help you when you are in need..
Thing To Keep In Mind – Be what you really are.. Never show off or tell fake story in blogging world..!!!!
As for me, I’m not very sociable and I don’t have a habit to leave comments. But if the article touches me somehow, I will write a comment, without any doubts!
here We get to learn about happening things, learn others views and opinions on the issues and also we can contribute as and when we feel like.This is a useful practice by all means thnx for this nice share
Very informative! Leaving a sincere comment is all you need to do, but after reading and understanding the content of the article. Thanks.
Informative Article…Suggestion for readers – Always do comment after reading the post.
Nile, I no more afraid to leave a comment and appreciate the author for taking time to write such a beautiful post. This is why I would encouraged to leave a comment here.
I think not only giving comment is important but the author should also reply regularly to the comments and question on their blog. What do you think NIle?
The author should try their best to reply to comments, but not all comments need a reply.
I always skipped the commenting part, I am also new at blogging, but being an active community member means contributing with your personal opinion on the discussed topic. So I just want to thank you for publishing this great article, btw I’m starting to enjoy leaving comments on posts that interest me, it’s always good to reach out to people from whom you might learn a couple of things
Thanks for sharing this valuable and informative post.
Don’t be afraid to leave comments. A lot of times comments gives us more insight of the subject and a lot of times they can be very informative. I just don’t like it when comments get delete because they have a different perspective than the blogger.
I believe comments are a great way to connect and learn. They can be beneficial to the reader and the writer.
Commenting on other blogs is the best way you can start a relationship with that blogger.
You can do a simple thing – just try to be the first to comment on some of the posts on a particular blog, this will help that blogger to know you..
well ,in fact when i do not agree with a post i comment it
and i feel good because i give another perspective to the post
and that post become colorful because have more than one point of view
Well…..commenting is a very good habit.First it provides you links back to your site.Second it increase your interaction with other bloggers.Hence your gobble reputation increases.So Commenting is a good habit.Thanks for the wonderful post.
Hey Nile,
Nice post and Thanks for sharing this post with us. Yes, Blog Commenting is an important factor in blogging and helps in making links with other and also promotes our blog.
I love leaving comments, its one of the most enjoyable things about blogging. The love getting comments too but mostly so I can follow them back to their site so I can read what they have to day.