Hesham asks on his site “is blogs like plants and cars?!” I felt that my response could be better stated in an article rather than a long comment. I tend to get winded in my comments. 😆 Blogs can be very similar to plants. Your design is the soil- the foundation to prepare for your
[Continue Reading...]social media
Social Media 101: Your Business Cannot Rely On Only Social Networking
I was talking to a local business owner about social networking and websites. In fact it was my son’s karate instructor who has been in business for many years and has a very good reputation in his field. He has trained with the best too! His name is Lyle Huff and he manages the 5
[Continue Reading...]Guest Post: Building Presence on Social Media from Scratch
[This is a guest post by Gagandeep Singh. Gagandeep Singh is a freelance writer and mainly writes on social media, making money online, affiliate marketing, web 2.0 and conversion rate optimization. Feel free to contact him on twitter at gagan4687 ] More than 70% of online buyers visit social media websites before buying anything and
[Continue Reading...]Convincing Local Businesses Why They Should Have An Internet Presence
Don Power askes a great question: Going Local – How do You Use Social Media to Boost Local Business? Teaching social media can be a tough when it comes to teaching small town local businesses. I know because I live in such an area. A lot of these business owners want immediate results and even
[Continue Reading...]Social Media 101: Be Prepared to Work
I was reading an article called The Clock’s Ticking: 10 Steps to Social Media Business Integration by Andrea V Lewis and though I recommend reading it, it is probably nothing new that has already been said here at Blondish.net or from top dogs in the social media industry. However, it is good to read articles
[Continue Reading...]How McDonald’s Uses Social Media Marketing
McDonalds (and by the way, someone tell McDonalds, that users get a 500 Internal Server Error for visiting McDonalds.com, but can see the site perfectly fine at www.mcdonalds.com – as of February 1, 2010) was founded in 1948(see McDonald’s History.) Since then, McDonalds has expanded from one restaurant to a franchise that is around the
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