Face it, people are shopping online, looking for directions to places, and much more. They may even be looking for your business, even if you are not specifically an online business. You NEED to remember To create presence for your business BOTH online AND locally! The problem is… you need to be. If you want
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Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use WordPress
Entrepreneurs have a lot of tools available to them when it comes to their website. One of the most powerful tools is WordPress. If someone says it cannot be done with WordPress, they either have no imagination or lack the skills to make any website project happen. I’m going to make a very bold statement
[Continue Reading...]Social Media Marketing 101: The Effort Is Not Just Online
A lot of people do not realize that even though you have an online presence in several popular social networks that you are going to reel in the traffic, and then sit back and make money. It takes more than your online efforts. All those connections online are great, but what about those in your
[Continue Reading...]5 Steps To Building A Business Plan For Your Blog
There are so many blogs out there and a lot of people are unsure of how to take their site to their next step. t is important to keep some type of plan, much like a business. Even if your site only has advertising or even if you are just wanting people to hear what
[Continue Reading...]How To Determine What Your Site Visitors Are Looking For
You may have signed up for a couple different services to monitor your stats like Google Analytics, CrazyEgg, Woopra, and more. However, what can you get from those stats that will allow you to be able to fill the need for your readers, including first time visitors who are looking for something? If your visitors
[Continue Reading...]Trendy Web Design Is Not Always For You
The web has come a LONG way. I am pretty sure in that first sentence alone, all of you can agree and maybe you have heard something similar said from other people. The problem is that there are still a lot of trends floating around that people still want to stick to. However, for branding
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