I have had to encounter some fairly bad feedback for other freelance web designers from my clients who had issues with the “freelancer who is sensitve.” What I mean by this is when a client decides to take up a new freelancer to design parts or all of a site to make it far more
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12 Basic Tools Online Business Owners Should Know Of
There are many tools online that business and blog owners can benefit from using. However, I have decided to share at least 12 basic tools online that you should be aware of. WordPress If it were not for WordPress, there would probably be not as many creative sites. Why? Because WordPress has shown itself to
[Continue Reading...]Are You Really Open Minded To Business Ideas Online?
There are so many types of businesses online. Some are solely Internet based and others involve a little bit of engaging online as well as offline. The problem is that some people do not see the potential or fear to fail. Before I go further, if you start a business online, do not quit your
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