There are a lot of site owners reading up on social media techniques and trying to implement them. Whether popular, old, or new of a site, social media techniques have constantly been revamped and reintroduced. The problem is- those who are stubborn.
As a site owner who is striving for more traffic from an interested audience in their niche, it is important to keep an open mind. If something is not working to get traffic, obviously seeking another solution is better. Here are ways that can stifle a siteโs progress:
- Site owner does not reach outside their normal circle to obtain traffic.
- Site owner cannot come up with new quality content due to lack of knowledge
- Site owner does not encourage visitor participation
- Site owner has cut themselves off from other important people in their niche or badmouthed others
- Site owner is has no time to invest in their site content or on the social network streams
These are just a few general ways and there are more. You are welcomed to list more in your comments.
There are solutions to each of those issues, but it takes time and an open mind. As a site owner, stats can tell what readers are looking for, so if there are articles people are searching for and your site comes up, it might be ideal to make sure you are covering those subjects. Time is a big thing to invest, especially in pushing your content out there into the internet. It really is not that hard. If you have a good article that people like, they will share it with others without you having to ask. Badmouthing people publicly, unless that is what your site is about (example: celebrity gossip sites), is generally considered a bad thing. Because the search engines do pick up comments, your words could haunt you later on. It could also create a wall between yourself and other important people in your niche. Internet grudges are not a win-win situation. In fact, it is a lose-lose. Both sides walk away with disgruntled readers, and some readers literally leave that niche for good (like in the fan world/ fanfiction.) Let other people do it and find out the hard way.
Do not cut off your nose despite your face. (1964 Ridout & Witting English Proverbs Explained 43)
There are millions of active websites out there and your site is only one of so many in your own niche. You want to succeed? Keep an open mind to new techniques out there. A lot of marketing consultants have literally developed themselves into social media consultants and blog almost daily about social media techniques and concepts.
Are you open-minded?
I like to think I am open minded. Every day though I have to work on it. It is so easy to fall into what we believe is right. It is easy to close our mind off to new ways of thinking or new experiences in life.
I think lack of knowledge is a huge reason for close mindedness. It is important to read a bunch of different sides of something and understand where they are coming from. I have found that I really know nothing. The more I learn the more I realize I don’t know much.
You are right that badmouting others is not wise. Keep it to yourself and let it go.
Hi Nile
Social Medias are the most important sources for any business. We should always be aware and open minded with the power of social media Like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. These 3 social media sites can give the flood of traffic to any website. Thanks for your valuable post. Happy Blogging ๐
In addition to just keep on posting, a keen blogger should also focus on the link building as well as social media. Social media plays a very important role in blogging and its the mistake most of the bloggers do. Every single traffic counts even if its organic or social.
Well, I usually avoid commenting on blogs but here I have something really interesting which convinced me to comment on this article. I really like the way you describe in your article. I really called it worth reading. Keep updating us.
Social media is incredibly effective and if used correctly can help boost your blog to the top. It is important to utilize more than one platform however. Thanks!
Hi Nile,
Excellent Post. You have put forward your thoughts in front of us. All the points which you mentioned in your article regarding Social Media are great and your articles are always informative, inspirational and instructive. Thanks for sharing such an informative post.
I think social media is hard for traditional businesses to get their heads round as often you do better by working together with competitors in the same niche rather than ignoring them. In my tiny niche, it’s definitely true that we are stronger together!
One thing I know can make me resistant to change is when I have invested a lot of time in a particular strategy. There’s this feeling that by walking away from that particular approach you’re wasting the time you’ve put into it – but of course really you’re just saving yourself from wasting any more time it it’s no longer working for you! It’s important to remember that everything changes all the time so you need to keep adapting.
You’ve got me thinking now whether there are changes I should be making – new things to try and things that it’s time to leave behind.
Hi Nile!
Social media is not the same and its always evolving. So, as you said, being open minded and not stubborn is a good idea. And about traffic, we should always rely on different social platforms and experiment, to see from where we can get quality traffic.
Have a Nice Day!
Hi Nile,
Thanks for your perspectives on successful social media techniques. I found your list of potential reasons you might NOT be doing well to be the most useful point here. Thanks for reminding me to start reaching out to people in OTHER fields. I have not done that yet, so it’s long overdue!
I am happy to say that I do encourage people to comment and join in discussions. And I don’t bad mouth people, esp in any public space like social media!
It sounds like you’ve come across that a lot in social media lately? Hopefully people will learn how bad that approach is for them and we’ll see less of it over time.
Thanks again for your suggestions.
cheers, Lash
I think Social Media is one of the greatest ways to show a personality and create great relationships with your visitors. Ever since social media has became just another part of a business, i for myself have found more interest in specific brands because of the culture and personality that companys have created. For the most part, i think social media can do nothing but help a brand. In less you have someone managing it that simply doesnt know what they are doing. I agree though with your points, they are totally valid and make sense.
Being the expert in our niche is one of the most important factors that drive traffic, I guess!
But the constant change in the social media policies specially Facebook,(I think even you might have experienced that) can often act as a hurdle to reach out to the desired audience.
Social medias are playing major role to improve our business. We have to aware of these social medias day to day. Blogger sholud also focus on link building also. We have lot of social media sites in that facebook, twitter is the best one.
You always need to have an open mind, no matter what, because people that cant do that usually run into alot of issues/roadblocks. Not to mention the internet is always evolving, so we have to as well.
Social media can be a good or a negative, depending on how well you use. The bad thing is that is that it is always open to interpretation and negative comments.
Social media is contributing best part in society to provides awareness, knowledge and entertainment.
I do think I am open minded, but it’s not always easy to keep up with the constant changes in the social media world.
Social media takes a lot of time which is what I struggle with. I want to be authentic and engage with my readers but I also want to live life off the computer so it sometimes is hard to find that balance.
Thanks for sharing valuable article. Social media is the best platform to promote your business and make relationship with visitors. It’s helps to improve your blog traffic.
Thanks for sharing this post with us.
I am a big fan of using Social Media to keep increasing blog hits and unique visitors. For me, Building a great network of people on different social networks is the best way to get more traffic. It helps us in many other ways to promote things easily as well.
When I have low traffic, I try to find ways to boost the post. Most of the time, I’m not touching my target market.
I agree that keeping an open mind is very important. I think we sometimes should really think outside the box.
Good advice – I’ll assuredly try to remain open minded. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I guess most bloggers can relate to this specially the new ones. And I consider myself just that. Time will get better and my numbers will soon be too! ๐ Thanks for this realization! ๐
Keeping an open mind is extremely important. Consistency in creating content & networking often can boost your blog immensely. Thanks for sharing!
Very good advice! I always try to keep an open mind when it come to growing my social media.
There are still those site owners who do not realize the importance of engaging with the network. Those people who have traditional businesses don’t believe in the power of social media. I know a lot of them.
Social media ia as necessary to a website as a website is to a business. Regurgitating your posts on social media isn’t going to be effective either. You need original content on those platforms too!
I totally agree with everything you say here. My site started doing much better when I dedicated the time to put towards it.
You’re right. Having social media accounts made me somewhat an open-minded person. But there are quite a few also that I know that are not as open minded as some of us.
These are some great pointers for any business. Marketing consultants have taken on the new role of media consultants…it’s the way to advertise now. (we’re burning up the electricity, but saving trees) ๐
Social media surely does help and also going outside that circle. Great post.
I totally agree. Every blogger needs to invest in the time, to make sure their blog is the best inside their niche. I love thinking outside the box and normally reach people in other niche’s so my reader’s have new content as well. The power is in the numbers rather it’s organic or social.
To me; I invest in social because this is where the reach can be wide and exciting to see how many people are spreading your blog. Thanks for a great topic!
Social media is one big thing in terms of blog and any businesses now ๐
Great things to keep in mind. Social media can be a bad thing but also a very good thing.
I didn’t realize that blogging was going to have so much work behind the scenes! The posts and constant site changes take so much time that I can’t believe I am able to fit social media into my day too!
Thank you for sharing about your experiences. I always try to keep an open mind even when it’s difficult.
I always try to keep an open-mind, as social media is forever changing!
Great information indeed. This should help a lot to opened minded. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve noticed that the social media rage is forever changing. Some days I get lots of leads from Twitter, then a couple weeks later there’s a ton from Pinterest. So it’s important to stay in the loop so to speak & be able to adapt quickly.
The social media space is constantly changing and evolving. I am always looking for new ways to engage my readers and gain new readers.
I am very open minded and always interested in going outside my circles to make new friends. Although sometimes me and social media don’t always mesh well. I’m in a perpetual state of learning all the new outlets and techniques.
These are great tips! Sometimes it’s hard to come up with fresh material, thanks!
All of this advice is spot-on! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject!
Very good advice Nile!
While I certainly embrace your excellent advice about keeping an open mind, with regards to the effective use of social media.
But that medium is constantly evolving so fast, it’s practically impossible to keep up with all the changes.
and it’s so easy to get caught up in it the wrong way! Thanks for sharing some very good points!