Social bookmarking has been a great tool for webmasters and bloggers to push their content to the masses. There are sites that obviously weigh in on their power to help attract traffic while others are struggling. Social network sites in a way have contributed to social bookmarking in a way as live streams like Twitter are crawled and documented by Google. However, they are not “social bookmark” sites.
Though you may be apt to join larger communities, it may suit your interest if you find smaller social bookmark communities that have a concentrated interest in your niche. For example, WPVote is specifically gear toward people who talk about anything WordPress related. Top Roundups is focused on articles that have lists (roundup articles.) Blogrity is very new and in beta mode, but hopes to use a wide topic range, but it is a social bookmark site dedicated to bloggers.
Of course, you will want to join Digg, Delicious, Reddit, and many others that are large and have been around for years. However, do not cut yourself short.
The great things are that these social bookmark sites are an asset for bloggers and webmasters because it allows people to find your article in a community setting. You are allowing them to either discuss your article on the social bookmark site or within your site, which both attract traffic. Of course, just bookmarking your links will not make your site succeed alone. If you are a person that is writing to connect with others, you will have to reach out and talk with your readers. In return, this will build a relationship that may keep them coming back to view what you have to say.
Do you use social bookmarking sites? If so, has it helped improve your site? What social bookmark sites do you recommend people using?
I’ve been using social bookmarking a lot lately but it doesn’t seem to be helping me. I guess it’s ok though. I’m not really blogging for traffic, but it would be nice to get some. 😉